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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. OH SO THEY SLAUGHTERED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ANIMALS JUST CUZ. According to the World Organisation for Animal Health, there haven't been any reports of pets spreading COVID-19 to people. However, reports from the Netherlands and Denmark suggest that mink have infected some workers on mink farms. This is an area that continues to be studied. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/prevention-risks/animals-covid-19.html
  2. I'm guessing you forgot about all those mink farms that had to be eradicated? And if it came from a bat, there are more than one way it can infect people. Viruses shed through more than one method dumbass.
  3. Oh wow. Wtf did you even just type? . Livestock Farming Although there is no evidence of infection with SARS-CoV-2 in animals in the wild, there is concern about the potential for a reverse zoonotic event occurring from humans to animals living in close proximity to humans and the establishment of a permanent viral reservoir in animals. Livestock farming is an area of particular concern, given the close human–animal contact, particularly in some regions of the world, and the potential for the high stocking density of some farmed animal species and the threat to food supply chai
  4. We cannot because the virus does not only effect humans. It is scientifically impossible to vaccinate away a coronavirus. It goes into animals and mutates and comes right back. We would have to vaccinate all mammals that can be carriers as well as every human on earth in a VERY short period of time for that to happen. But also we would need vaccines that actually stop the transmission. These do not do that. They simply reduce severe symptoms.
  5. We aren't achieving herd immunity through leaky vaccines dumbtard
  6. I'm saying governments are completely ignoring natural immunity and previous infections and ONLY focus on vaccines which appear to be less and less effective with time and new strains.
  7. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-27/previous-covid-prevents-delta-infection-better-than-pfizer-shot Lol
  8. He's the guy that created mRNA technology We cannot vaccinate our way out of a pandemic. Natural herd immunity and having nearly everyone infected at the same time (yes that sounds crazy) is the only way it will end. Vaccinate though most vulnerable and let everyone else just get it and hopefully live.
  9. All non democrat blacks are white supremacists, haven't you heard?
  10. It's the lowest score by far lol. In the Olympics that score would be dismissed
  11. Lol what? This must be that reviewers first time playing a NMH game
  12. lol no one hyped this.. it was a 7.0 game on ds and a 7.0 game on switch. who the fuck cares. Though 7.0 games are bread and butter on xbox
  13. wasnt this announced as a console launch exclusive?
  14. I think at this point Biden would be better off replaced by a hologram of himself run by an algorithm and speech software
  15. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/afghanistan-kabul-airport-terrorist-attacks-1.6153844 60 dead
  16. It will have better gameplay than 12 minutes that's for sure 😆
  17. I predict this game will receive a score from 1-10
  18. How does the thumbnail spoil it? I don't get it
  19. I dunno man. Feels likes it just turning neighbors on eachother. I'd agree if covid were more deadly like SARS or Ebola. But to mandate a prophylactic therapeutic like the Covid vaccines, especially ones that use mRNA which have no long term studies seems heavy handed. And besides, small businesses have been struggling as it is. Now they are forced to reject 20-30% of their customers if they aren't vaccinated? Of course Walmart is essential though.
  20. They wear off very quickly. We are going to need booster after booster, will this also be required for the vaccine passport? As long as the virus lives it will continue to mutate into new strains. We need vaccines that sterilize the virus, not just reduce symptoms.
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