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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Where? Definitely not here. Not even close.
  2. I'm vaccinated tardface. I just don't view the unvaxxed as some sort of threat. That's why I'm vaccinated.
  3. ok. So in a year from now when 95% of people are vaccinated and Covid is still here spreading and mutating what will you say then? These vaccines are not immunizing vaccines, they do not sterilize the virus. All they do is reduce symptoms. I dont knwo why people keep saying everyone get vaccinated and covid will go away. That is complete nonsense. The vaccines are not designed to even do that, the makers have them have even said so themselves. So why mandate it? I agree we need to follow the science, not just selective science.
  4. The unclean will not be able to Go to the gym Dine at a restaurant Go to a movie Go to a concert Go to a sports game Go to a bar or club Attend a youth sports game (unvaccinated parents) Visit loved ones in hospitals or nursing homes Go to weddings Go to the casino No exceptions for people who cannot get a vaccine or will not get one for religious purposes.
  5. glad i bought one of the mini ones. loaded up 500 games on it. Love it
  6. Even though we have surpassed 75% full vaccination. We were told we would reach herd immunity by 75%, looks like thats not happening because these current vaccines DO NOT STOP THE SPREAD. So why are we mandating everyone get a shot when it only partially works? Im really disgusted by this authoritarian bullshit government.
  7. It sucks to think about that.. if I put 1000 in ADA when it was 0.01 I'd have hundreds of thousands of dollars now
  8. Ugh yes. And then all that propping up of Bush by the media and celebrities while Trump was president just because he's likable and not Trump. The guys a fucking war criminal with hundreds of thousands of deaths on his hands.
  9. Losing 1000 is not bad. But the upside is far far greater. There's no reason ADA can't hit $50-100
  10. No I'm not stupid jehurey. It's never a sure deal fuckwad.
  11. True.. but soon I'll have enough to buy a 3090!
  12. More than doubling in less than a month is a shit ton, yes.
  13. Uh.. + %131 makes that statement completely irrelevant. It gained 40 billion in market cap
  14. Put $1000 in at 1.39 it's gone from the 5 to the 3rd largest currency in a span of a month.
  15. I agree. But it could have been handled better don't you think?
  16. Gotta be safe twinblade. Safety is life. Safety at all costs. Saaaaaaaafe
  17. Wow this is just lovely. Follow the science Australia
  18. It's like trying to contain water with a cheese grater
  19. You guys having fun yet? Is it worth it? My province has been pretty much fully open for a couple months now. Cases are rising, 500-600 a day. 0-3 deaths a day. 0-3 deaths a day out if 5 million is not much at all compared to any other illness, overdose, car accident, murder etc. It's completely manageable. People need to understand this virus is not going to go away and you can't lockdown your way out of it. We are 82% VAXXED here and the numbers continue to rise, the vaccine is as half assed as a cloth mask and lockdowns. Covid will continue to mutate and adapt to the vaccines
  20. Playing the beta. I forgot how much more challenging d2 is compared to d3. D3 was a cake walk, way too many good items dropped too early etc.
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