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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. The friend on the left is actually a tranny and they just had sex.
  2. I suck dick in a masculine way
  3. I bet you look great in a potato sack
  4. There are masculine and feminine things. Get over it pussy.
  5. Sorry but what makes me "consumerist drone"? I don't follow the stupid consumerist fashion trends and don't buy an iPhone every year either. Go buy some baggy formless biege clothing and add a pronoun to your name
  6. Man I want to like this game but it's just so fucking wonky to play. The movement, the top down view, the controls. It's really getting in the way of a good game.
  7. I'm rewatching the entire walking dead series lol. Wish me luck
  8. Gay men shouldn't be able to use the men's bathroom cause they look at dongs
  9. I want to play this now but I also don't want to ruin it. Still haven't decided what system im going to buy it for..
  10. I'm assuming it counted me cause I tried for 10 minutes and it was boring so I deleted it. The character models are atrocious too
  11. I played the OD Diablo demo. I think it gave you the first 9 levels or something.
  12. xenoblade does not have floaty combat
  13. Did you actually read the article? This has more to do with Square Enix not being upfront with the developer. They say it sold between 2-3 million units and haven't received any royalties from square Enix.
  14. Its ok guys, it's not racist to think a corona virus came from a corona virus lab.. The World Needs to Know What Happened at the Wuhan Lab https://www.wsj.com/articles/wuhan-virology-lab-leak-gain-of-function-research-ccp-beijing-covid-origins-coronavirus-11629037765?mod=flipboard @jehurey
  15. Yeah that is stupid fucking claim. There's no way in hell gamepass is helping game sales.
  16. If it were free on psnow? What would the numbers be then? Who the fuck buys games when it's included in a subscription? Lol
  17. The Kabul university has 46% women. This will effectively drop to 0% very quickly. I love how inclusive Islam is.
  18. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-08-15/the-burqa-shops-of-afghanistan-get-busy-as-a-generation-blames-u-s-betrayal Taliban coming to free the women from Liberty
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