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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. You know what hasn't been peer reviewed? The recommendation of random face coverings to prevent the spread of Covid. None of that shit works except for n95 masks.
  2. Your obsession with peer reviews is showing again.
  3. It's the fucking Twilight zone here. I wish more on the left would stop going along with this bullshit. The left has lost the plot. But no, y'all keep on trucking down that road to a race war.
  4. this one looks awesome hopefully its called Dragon Warrior in NA
  5. these were just announce for mobile right? kind of a stupid decision
  6. Regardless oil is needed for far more than just powering vehicles. So much stuff is made from oil and we don't even think about it.
  7. He cancels the XL pipeline which would bring in oil from your largest trading partner and friend and instead buys more middle East oil because its saving the environment or some shit. Cause shipping it on boats uses less carbon than a pipeline. Lol
  8. Ps5 can't even fit in a Japanese apartment. No wonder no one is buying it.
  9. If Ryan Reynolds works for Pikachu, Idris Elba is perfect for Knuckles. Should be funny juxtaposition
  10. Just the beginning.. I thought they were about privacy?
  11. How many fucking anime shows is Netflix going to put out? Jeez
  12. The Nazis hated religion too. Their identity was their religion. Another parallel between Antifa and Nazis.
  13. How do you not annoy yourself with how you behave? You're embarassing
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