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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Dude, she just whispers and does this mumble marble mouth singing . It's fucking irritating.
  2. I have the same kitchen knife. This one is decent.
  3. No her friend with the blond hair was way hotter
  4. Yeah but if you put them in jail it's racist or something
  5. My buddy just fixed his Tesla. He bought a house in the Okanagan here where Demonic was filmed. Must be nice to be stupid rich. He said he was a really nice guy though.
  6. I mean if people think Billie Eilish is a good singer then so is Rebecca black lol
  7. Yeah well unenthusiastic awfulness is kinda your style though. At least give it a single flaccid thumb up
  8. Lol I think the childhood fame thing made her a bit crazy
  9. Is 16gb enough ram or should if double it to 32? Ddr4 is cheap these days
  10. Australia had 1 death today. A man in his late 80s and they have just locked down 800000 people. They cannot go to work, most businesses are closed. This is apparently ok, but telling people to eat right and get healthy is baaaaad.
  11. particularly in unvaccinated red states. Don't post that unless you want to discuss the details.
  12. How would you even play a MOBA on that. Fuck it's going to ruin my dota games with some people on my team using that
  13. Yeah, so it's going to make for a shit handheld.
  14. If you're going to go down that road you should look at the data more closely. Within those red states is deep blue counties with high black and Hispanic populations that are not getting vaccinated. https://www.azmirror.com/2021/07/16/us-black-and-latino-communities-often-have-low-vaccination-rates-but-blaming-vaccine-hesitancy-misses-the-mark/ I don't know whether is just higher vaccine hesitancy or barriers but they are definitely the least vaccinated populations. Honestly the only way you're going to get a higher compliance is if COVID were far more dea
  15. The OLED switch looks far more appealing than the slob dock
  16. Is that a salt water tank?
  17. If they were trying to kill sales naming it "baldo" is really going to help
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