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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. How many meth addicts and alcoholics are featured in ads? Obsesity is just as deadly yet we are supposed to accept because of hurt feelings.
  2. No. Morbidly obese people should not be told they are healthy at any size. Thats a blatant lie and it's dangerous.
  3. Wtf? Because I've said obesity is a massive health problem? Lmao 🤣
  4. You sure love to lie. I've never said white men have it worse. I said I know white men who are very qualified for jobs who lose out because of race quotas. Race quotas are racist, if you say they arent then you're just a filthy racist. How many times must i say this. Treat EVERYONE equally. This includes whites.
  5. You are eating this narrative up. North America and western society has never been as equal as it is today. Every day has been getting better than the last. There has been no regression for the last 40 or so years. So why the moral panic that has come in the last few years for MORE and MORE diversity? Quotas, a pyramid of oppression, obsession with power dynamics, patriarchy and now trans rights are taking the lead. Its because of activists, they are constantly looking for something to complain and bitch about, usually without evidence, and usually without
  6. Lytton BC just beat Las Vegas all time record temperature.
  7. How have we not? Do you want equality of opportunity or equity of outcomes. Think long and hard about this.
  8. Year after year we have been getting better. Compare 2021 to 1991 and there has been massive change. Where has this sudden panic about race and sex and gender come from in the last 5 years? The trajectory has been in a stead upward motion for decades. Equality was the goal and we reached it. It's not about equality now, it's about EQUITY of outcomes. Please tell me why this has become the goal. I believe EVERYONE should have a fair and equal chance at everything regardless of whatever identity, race, sexuality, gender etc. Equity of outcomes just kneecaps
  9. Because I don't care about diversity of physical attributes. What I care about is a functional society that isn't obsessed with the differences of its people but rather the commonalities. Your melanin doesn't make you who you are. Your personality, your skills, your passions make you who are. There is far too much focus on the mundane immutable differences rather than what unites us. Diversity of thought is far more valuable.
  10. This statement has no bearing on what I said. I said I don't care what race or background they have. No one should be hired based on physical attributes unless they are necessary for the job, like strength and size. Skin color and dangly bits are irrelevant.
  11. I don't think it matters how big the install base is.. the game will sell millions every year for a decade. GtaV still tops the charts lol
  12. Non binary is when you're too chicken to chop off your dick and tits but still want to make up your own pronouns and join the identity cult.
  13. I don't care what race or background someone has. If they are best qualified for the job then they should be hired. If someone more qualified is denied a position because they don't fill a certain physical attribute quota then no I vehemently disagree.
  14. Lol fuck you. 25 is the perfect temp
  15. If it his 50 it will be the highest recorded temperature in Canada by 5 degrees. That's 122 degrees. This is a few hours to the north east of me in our "desert".
  16. Uh yeah that's it. And "we" haven't done any of that shit. Fuck Catholics.
  17. We are obsessed with being safe here. Its so fun.
  18. Ours are still closed. Not sure why , it's big money for the government and we have less than 100 cases a day..
  19. Wtf. It's already 28 here and it's 9:40am.
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