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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Pluto isn't millions of light years away and when you look at a galaxy millions of light years away you're just looking at a delayed image. That galaxy is in the same time as we are we just can't see it because the light waves from the present haven't reached us. If you could somehow put a mirror half a light year away and waved at it it would take a year to see your reflection wave back, that doesn't mean you're looking into the past, it's just a delayed reflection.
  2. 43 celcius is 110.. record breaking heat 🥺
  3. I don't know.. we might need to peer review this statement.
  4. It's not like I was ever going to buy this thing. I just think the design is cool
  5. My bullshit is truth though. You peddle in bullshit.
  6. Please don't mimic jehurey , it's not a good look for you honey.
  7. Its not racist to know the truth of a source of a virus that has killed over 3 million people. And yes it's more racist to say the lie that it came from a wet market than the virus lab down the street which is also funded by the American government. Woke up bro.
  8. You'd make a fantastic politician.
  9. Bro.. we weren't even allowed to leave our local area up until last week.. that's with 100 cases a day. Movie theatres closed, casinos closed, no sporting events or concerts, you need day passes to visit major parks, still masks in all buildings.. we are fucking tired of this shit. Why the obsession with needing it peer reviewed? You think it's a lie? The data is all lies until it's peer reviewed? You can't take it at face value ? Looks pretty fucking thorough to me. Weird how you believe covid came from a wet market with zero data that wasn't peer reviewed.
  10. Digging your heels in eh? It was even shared by an MD.. but only the infallible Fauci is the true authority on all things scince right?
  11. They actually made things worse.
  12. The virus came from a Chinese person eating a bat bro, thinking otherwise is racyst!!
  13. Yes we need more people in stem that can't do math. Makes perfect sense
  14. Yikes that uncanny Valley is real
  15. What does gamepass have to do with this game? It's on PS4/5 as well There's tons of high quality games on Gamepass and I fucking love it.
  16. We should not be vaccinating children. It's unnecessarily risky when we do not know the long term effects. What we do know is a child is EXTREMELY unlikely to be hospitalized or die from Covid. Vaccines do not stop the spread, so saying they should be vaccinated for that reason is categorically false. You get a vaccine to protect YOURSELF and only YOURSELF.
  17. On series S it's 1440p/60 or 4k/30
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