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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. That song is horrendous
  2. It has modern games as well
  3. Who from the WHO led investigation ? Ohh that's right, the huge conflict of interest. Peter Daszak who is in charge of gain of function research at the Eco Health Alliance.. that's why there's a new investigation, it was heavily compromised. They didn't even investigate, all they did was ask questions and accept those answers as if China tells the truth. https://globalnews.ca/news/7888382/wuhan-covid-outbreak-report-virology/ And no Jehurey, wrong again. Three researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) sought hospital care in November 2019,
  4. It didn't come from a lab he says.. lol Did a bat kiss a pangolin next to the Wuhan institute of virology? Or was a bat coronavirus modified inside the lab that was doing the research on it? Seriously use your fucking brain. The former CDC director even says it's not from the wild. It's too advanced and mutated into an airborne virus far too quickly to happen naturally. They lied about having bats They covered up that 3 workers were hospitalized before the outbreak was officially confirmed too. How the fuck can you believe what the
  5. Ok so you don't have an answer, that's all you could have said or perhaps not reply at all.
  6. This thread is not about the Delta variant ? Weird.
  7. Generally curious. We had the UK variant, Brazilian variant and South African variant but now it's called the Delta variant? Why?
  8. Why can't we call it the Indian variant ?
  9. He should have used whatever engine Astral Chain was on
  10. Even though the evidence overwhelmingly suggests it came from a lab? Russians are pretty white, so I guess they couldn't play the race card and deflect it that way..
  11. Birding and bird names are racist https://www.npr.org/2021/06/07/1004076000/to-make-birding-inclusive-some-birds-will-need-new-names-without-colonial-roots Lmao what the fuck is the end game here? To erase the 1400s-1900s from existence ? Can we just accept EVERYONE and EVERY race are racist and shitheads to eachother for hundreds of thousands of years? It's tribalism, humans are tribal species. We are animals. There is no good or bad racism, erasing whitness is not going to eliminate racism, it will create more.
  12. Yeah none of that makes your life any better. You're just trapped in Apple's money suck now.
  13. Lol this looks crazy. Can't wait 😁
  14. Not with those goofy ass controllers
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