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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Almost as gross as men who paint their nails
  2. Lol I saw that add yesterday. They have some nice recipes
  3. I know I'm a bit late but lol leafs
  4. Just watched Nomadland.. Holy fuck that was dreadfully boring. If that could win am Oscar why didn't Into the Wild? At least it was entertaining.
  5. Lol I'm glad I bought that 2060 when I did. Got it for 250 CAD now Newegg has them for 972 dollars lol
  6. I started Lost in Space a few days ago. It's solid. Much better than I thought it would be.
  7. Not upset. Stop being so dramatic all the time. Go paint your nails 💅
  8. It's always off-putting when I see it
  9. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31180-6/fulltext RETRACTED
  10. It's insane the anti Trump at all costs movement literally meant let people die.
  11. If this is what gets you off, then you have a sad little existence. I kinda feel bad for you 😔
  12. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/06/mysterious-company-s-coronavirus-papers-top-medical-journals-may-be-unraveling The Lancet fucking published a paper telling the world this treatment was deadly. Which in turn probably killed thousands of people because they didn't receive treatment, they got a ventilator instead which ACTUALLY killed the patients as it made their lungs weaker and dependent on the machine. This is what happens when you have one authority on medical advice rather than concensus and discussion. All decent was shutdown by social media companies and n
  13. Exclusively on software.. where is super switch!?
  14. Listening at work. Wtf is up with medical science these days. It's so reactionary and politicisized.
  15. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220302011 Here's a study on its effectiveness
  16. Dude thought he was posting on his own private circle jerk and can't admit he made a mistake so he blames a mod. Lmao
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