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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. @-GD-X you should close Jehureys politics board if hes going to act like this. He literally removed his posts and put them on his own private board where no one can argue with him and he gets his echo chamber support group
  2. lmao dont know how many times ive seen this and never saw it
  3. National Post: Matt Taibbi: 'Fact-checking' takes another beating. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/matt-taibbi-fact-checking-takes-another-beating @jehureydid you pay 50 bucks to watch the international fact checking conference staring the illustrious Brian Stelter ? Lmao
  4. Hopefully it includes getting car jacked and beheaded
  5. It didn't come from a fucking bat you tard. Just because Trump was right once in his life doesn't mean you should deny the truth. He was the lead investigator. It was compromised. Put up or shut up.
  6. You realize the American representative in that investigation is very involved in gain of function research? It was a MAJOR conflict of interest. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4119101 It's like when the police investigate themselves. So where did this advanced virus come from jehurey? A bat? Lol
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPd9cgOj6Xp/?utm_medium=copy_link Mine is the best
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPd9cgOj6Xp/?utm_medium=copy_link
  9. Why would that be unrealistic? They came out in 2013. Mobile tech in 2021 is far superior.
  10. Because it's awesome. No one cares about the 7 Total War games they've made since then.
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