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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Lol I've already tripled my money on that stupid Shibu Inu coin 😄
  2. unless you're using a digital clock that has no batteries.
  3. I need a shower every morning or I don't feel awake or fresh
  4. Where are all the shirtless pics ?😍
  5. They was more like a beauty monarch from a movie scene I said don't mind, but what do you mean, I am the one Who will dance on the floor in the round? They said I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round They told me their name was Billie Jean, as they caused a scene Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round People always told me be careful of what you do And don't go around breaking young CIS gendered hearts And birthing person always told me be careful
  6. It's so embarassing to watch these people and they think they are being virtuos
  7. Probably both announced at e3 for switch. I played eternal wings, it was solid.
  8. At least it's not a fake Russia story 😉
  9. Low expectations and you'll always be a winner
  10. I'm at 412. If it hits 2 bucks a coin id be happy
  11. Awesome!! Buying more!
  12. They say that to get other people to buy.
  13. Uhh 15k in my investing account, 5k in RSPs, 1k in Bitcoin, 10 dollars in my checking. 3k in my savings.
  14. Don't forget Sunday is Birthing Person day
  15. 30 bucks and this thing are probably a good way to find out if you're into making videogames .
  16. I've never wanted to hit a console with a hammer so bad for being ugly.
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