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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Get with the times LOSTFOOL
  2. I bought 100 bucks in DOGE 🐕
  3. I guess Jim Crow had it right then ? The Democrats started that and now they are happily bringing it back.
  4. we need more people of color dropping cluster bombs
  5. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-initiatives-do-not-belong-in-academia/ More minorities need to speak out against this shit. I was denied a job because I'm a white man. Maybe if I told them I'm gay i would have got it lol. So fucking stupid. What happened to merits and qualifications? Why does the left want to destroy civilization so badly. China does not give a fuck about this shit and they will be ruling us all soon unless we wake the fuck up. The sleep walking "woke" that are running our governments are going
  6. I wish she were an additional 25% white so we could bash her.
  7. https://news.yahoo.com/russian-bounty-story-falls-apart-192123174.html Stop listening to Rachel Maddow @jehurey@Goukosan
  8. Maybe that's the switch version
  9. https://www.albawaba.com/amp/ar/ساخرون/احتجاج only thing I could find lol
  10. This is not a box checking excersize while checking off all her identity boxes. Woke people are so fucking narcissistic
  11. Really? I didn't know. He's in jumanji right?
  12. what would make Eurogamer even write this article? It was obviously by someone who has never played Dragon Age games and not knowing each game has a different hero. Why would they stop with that now just to keep the hero from the last game because he is disabled? The entire premise for the article is stupid. There have been plenty of disabled heroes and no one makes a deal out of it because no one made a deal out of it. You don't need to draw attention to these things to earn woke points. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about superficial things on fictitious videogame characters.
  13. so its ok to appeal to 3 disabled people but no ok to appeal to teenage boys?
  14. hes set for life just saying "I am Groot"
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