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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. their faces look stupid. Baldo is what i call my friend Mitchell who is bald.
  2. Im not the one with the agenda fuck tard lol. Im anti agenda. No one should have an agenda in a game other than to entertain and make money from their efforts. Appeasing the woke mob is an agenda, and its one that will ultimately fail.
  3. By the way I really enjoyed Hellblade and she has a mental disability. But if eurogamer wrote an article saying she should have been this or that as well as cognitively disabled then I would have a problem with it. "Why can't link be a girl ?" Because he's not a girl. It's this kind of shit that bothers me. If you want to be represented in a game then make a fucking game.
  4. You are obviously missing the point. Those things are just a matter of fact. We don't need Eurogamer or whoever telling developers to add disabled people to games or make them the main protagonist. Let developers do what they want with their game and their story. If they have a character that's disabled and it's part of their story as to why and how that character has the disability then fine. I just don't like outside influences trying to ruin gaming for their agendas.
  5. The Dragon age games have always been different heroes for each game. The article is telling BioWare to keep the same character because he's disabled. That's a stupid reason and you know it.
  6. You don't play as a disabled hero in inquisition. This happens at the end and then it's game over.
  7. The worst part of new collossus was the beginning in the wheel chair.
  8. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-04-28-bioware-is-wrong-dragon-age-doesnt-need-to-replace-its-disabled-protagonist Lmao I can't take this shit anymore People play games to escape reality, who the fuck wants to be a disabled protagonist?
  9. Super switch definitely will not do 120hz. Stop wasting so much time on this. MS gave the option for a cheaper weaker system and it suits me better. Bye
  10. Once again. The tv was 799. The X would go to waste on it. And Xbox is third to my Switch (and I'll be upgradijg to super switch) and PC. I chose the S because of the cheap gamepass ultimate deal and it's smaller and compact and easy to move to my PC monitor if I want. I'm not a lemming and I don't care for 120hz which is something my tv cannot do. Fuck off and die.
  11. I WANTED THE FUCKING S. How can you be this annoying? Ugh
  12. Oh jesus. 40 plus tax and I don't have a 120hz tv. It's a sub $1k 4k tv. I'm not going to buy a console that's worth as much as the tv you dog faced whore bitch.
  13. No I'm paying 32 a month for gamepass ultimate and it came with the Xbox.
  14. Yeah I got gamepass which I can also use on PC.
  15. cause thats a more reasonable price, its also much better for streaming than this built in roku slowass shit thats on my tv.
  16. I'm not spending 700 dollars on a system with no exclusives lol
  17. 1440p 60fps with RT on SS is good for me
  18. So if this is what a next gen exclusive title looks like then what's the point of remaking TLOU?
  19. cant wait for the chinese social credit system to come here
  20. Load times don't make me think "wow next gen is here!"
  21. Honestly i think Xbox will be great eventually.. but its almost like MS was about to pull the plug on the brand but then changed their mind later in the game and had nothing ready for the new generation.
  22. Uhh well I have a series S.. I'm playing a few games. Dirt 5, Outerworlds and RDR
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