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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. That restaurant scene made me so uncomfortable. I loved it
  2. Watched Nightcrawle last night.. fuck Jake Gyllenhaal is creepy. Good movie
  3. Did you know the NYC police budget is 25% of Canada's national defense budget?
  4. The criteria for awards, the preaching of celebrities, no host, no humor. What do they expect ?
  5. Maybe just maybe people don't want to hear rich entitled privileged liberals preach at them.
  6. theyve been declining for years. No one cares about these award shows anymore. Sure it might bump up next year but not having a host really hurts the show i think.
  7. I wanted to like it because i really liked Wandavision.. except for the first few goofy episodes, it finished very strong. This one was just boring the whole way through. Yes the post snap reintegration is a good concept for them to deal with, but the villains just being steroid using losers who want to kill people because they don't want to have borders? I don't get the correlation between the two subjects. What does repatriating all those that came back and not having borders have to do with anything? and why the fuck is she so violent in the first place? She has mommy and daddy issues..
  8. Time moves slower in Manchester?
  9. What did you like about it? It's about as bad as the first 2 Thor movies. No humor, a rehashed storyline, boring as fuck villains, what was there to like?
  10. For it to be a pyramid scheme you would need to put money into it. It's just an incentive mechanism to spread it to as many as possible.
  11. You're on my earning team now. If you bring people in it increases how much you earn per hour
  12. I'd rather get into it before it's worth anything . No way to lose any money that way.
  13. It will take over the world
  14. New cryptocurrency you can mine on your phone. Doesn't use much data, you just have to click the mine button once a day. Has no value yet but has 16 million people mining. Will go on the market by the end of the year. I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 10 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/jester151 and use my username (jester151) as your invitation code. It's not a scam I promise
  15. It's not like Xbox where you get one exclusive per generation
  16. Switch has a lot of great exclusives.. I don't have time to play them all at launch
  17. Finished Falcon and Winter Solider.. huge step down from wandavision. It was boring, the villains were cardboard cutouts, falcon is weak, Bucky didn't get enough development. It was pretty meh the whole way through.
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