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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. It's been on my wishlist forever but I've never seen it go on sale, maybe I just missed the email notification but yeah.. is it worth full price ?
  2. I’m glad this man is banned for his heinous misogyny and fatphobia, now the joke thread about birds with blue feet can feel safe again. When I first saw this post I started literally shaking Can't tell if this is serious or not
  3. Her death wouldn't matter because it's black on black. It only matters if a cop did it.
  4. The "right type and wrong type of people" I don't like we can't handle diversity of thoughts and opinions anymore. Posting the ban reasons doesn't mean shit if we can't see the content. Its probably the most micro of nanoagressions.
  5. common side effects doesnt mean most people have these side effects, it means these are the most common of the side effects.
  6. That seems to be a side effect in a very small percentage.
  7. New York went balls to the wall lockdown, has a smaller population and still ended up with 15 000 more deaths. Did the lockdown help or hurt?
  8. Never played a baseball game and never will.
  9. how the fuck is that possible Also where is Metroid Prime 4?
  10. Short fat and bald is sexy as fuck
  11. Jeff Bezos proves there's no cure for baldness
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