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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I've seen him on tv. Totally would have said 45-48
  2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Stelter
  3. Lol at the user score. Butthurt cows 🤣
  4. All they've done is make people trust the government and medical experts less.
  5. all that money valve left on the table by not making a regular version of the game..
  6. Holy fuck just give Bucky the stupid captain America shield. Falcon doesn't want to be captain America. Bucky has no identify or purpose, making him captain America makes more sense. The Falcon is already The Falcon.
  7. for the music connoisseurs This guy writes lyrics like no other
  8. Wide angle shot haha. It's 75"
  9. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/amazons-lord-of-the-rings-cost-465-million-one-season
  10. "Bloomberg has reported today that there is interest from several buyers to acquire Square Enix. However, this report is not based on any announcement by SQUARE ENIX HOLDINGS CO., LTD. We do not consider selling off the company or any part of its businesses, nor have we received any offer from any third party to acquire the company or any part of its businesses."
  11. Honestly man, I don't notice anything that's gimped. I don't have an x to compare it to. The games look good and run well. I don't be have a 120hz tv so I'm not missing that.
  12. Why are these people trying so hard to end western civilization? Destroying it to do what? Let China and Russia rule the earth? Everyone be dirt poor and starving?
  13. They still make these games ? I think I played the original on PC back in the day
  14. It actually looks really nice on my shelf
  15. And now science is no longer fact. Feelings are fact. Math is racist
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