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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Playing it on hobopass.. it aint bad
  2. I'm liking Dirt 5 more than Horizon. It's just more fun 🙂
  3. Cooke

    The PSX

    This was weirder
  4. It's jester15 but there's alot so they add numbers to it
  5. Since you played the bioshock games I guess Outerworlds would be a good pick
  6. As it should be, but what does the trigger warning even do? It's not specific, it could be related to anything. Thank you MS I am saved from being triggered now that you warned me I might be triggered. Problem solved .
  7. Dafuq? What could possibly offend people in this game? Fuck i hate people 😄
  8. I can't find any info on this. Just keeps saying you can only play 360 and xbone games off external SSD or HDD..
  9. Maybe if there is competition the prices will drop. I'm not gonna waste money buying an external HDD or SSD if I can't actually play games off it. There's no reason why X|S games can't run off an external SSD, sure the games might load slightly slower but most people wouldn't give a fuck.
  10. I can play it there too now that I have Gamepass.. but I'd like to use my TV for more than just Netflix and Switch.
  11. Alright so after a few days with this thing I gotta say I'm impressed. Even with this price it feels very high-end, the UI is extremely fast and responsive, the console feels and looks like a well built solid machine. I've got 11 games installed on it which pretty much takes up the entire SDD. I'm only bothering with the optimized games, I don't care about the older Xbox one Games or 360 flops. If you don't have a 120hz TV this is probably the console for you. Resolutions range from 1080 to 4k.. yeah some are 4k even though they said 1440p. My tv is 4k HDR10 60hz. The S is perfect
  12. They need to give up what Trump was taking
  13. Should just be standard in every new home
  14. All technology these days has something to do with screens. When are we going to get star trek voice command doors in our houses for fuck sakes? Lol
  15. Thank you based Biden Where's the 15 dollar minimum wage? Where's the 2000 dollar stimulus checks? Lol Neera Tanden Great presidency so far. Tulsi bad though
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