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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Surprise Surprise... Cooke didn't know what he was talking about... Shocker!!! 

    Umm that's kinda what I'm talking about bro. Nearly identical articles from multiple outlets repeating the same thing verbatim all at the same time. No new reporting. Not actually providing evidence to counter the claim. Just saying "experts say this". Yeah experts are always right. It's like you haven't learnt anything during COVID. Experts are routinely wrong and routinely spout opinions to back certain narratives for financial incentives or to remain in the good graces of the establishment. 


    Right now climate is the new COVID. Everyone must repeat the same talking points without evidence. It's just fucking dogma at this point. 

  2. 1 hour ago, z,warrior said:

    I know. But do you think there might be a slight ulterior motive? Wind power is seen as green and planet saving. Dead whales goes against that narrative so they try to minimize it. It's weird how so many news outlets basically wrote the exact same article at almost the exact same time. It's like there's some sort of coordinated effort to silence it. 















    Reminds me of when they said the vaccine was completely safe and stopped transmission all on que. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Goukosan said:



    I second this motion of Cooke providing some actual evidence of wind farms being the cause of this. 

    It's new reporting and the full documentary is coming soon.  It's interesting what a coordinated effort there is to try and claim whales are no longer immensley sensitive to sound in the water. We've known for decades that large boat propellor noise is detrimental to whales. What do you think wind turbines are? Have you ever been near one? In the water they are much louder. 




    Can we stop with the massive wind farms that destroy millions of acres of land and are even worse on the water? Nuclear is safe, clean and could easily solve the energy crisis. 

  5. 57 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol plenty of those are actually true. What is your point exactly? 

    Most are not. Some partially. But the shit you guys believe instantly because CNN and MsNBC repeat it 24/7 is astounding. Trump has enough faults that you don't need to make shit up. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    No shit, Sherlock. You never complained about anything Trump or his staff did. 

    I did in the beginning. But honestly what was the point? 95% of every news article and report was negative. What else could I say that wasn't already said? Biden seems to get a pass for just about everything from the media. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Goukosan said:

    Republicans made this a closed door hearing and then lied about what Devon actually said... Lmfao









    And last but not least the #3 republican on the hearing walking out from the hearing looking defeated after Devon's testimony didn't match republican fantasies :kaz:



    Comer and Jim Jordan also walked out mid hearing once Devon confirmed Biden didn't discuss business.... Lmfao. 

    If you overlook the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the shell corporations, the allegations of way-above market high rent payments, the trips together, the dinners with foreigners who got favors granted, the suspicious activity reports, the money flow to Biden family members, the video clip of Joe Biden talking about using US loan guarantee as leverage to get Shokin fired, the FBI 1023 report, the IRS agent whistleblower testimony, the 10% held by H for the big guy, the false exculpatory statements about not ever meeting with or speaking to Hunter’s business partners, the clear evidence he did, and several other things...

  8. On 2023-08-06 at 7:58 AM, Ramza said:

    I guess I'm entitled to being a poor struggling low class worker who pays taxes up the asses and can barely afford groceries.


    Worked my ass off since I was 14 in all sorts of blue collar jobs and what do I have? Nothing. My retirement savings diminishing through inflation. I'm gonna be a wage slave until I die. 


    What am I supposed to be enjoying again?  

    your pearlescent skin

    • Haha 1
  9. On 2023-08-02 at 6:37 AM, Twinblade said:

    Yeah digital games shouldn't be that expensive. If they're cutting out the retailer then they should at least be $5-$10 cheaper.

    plus the cost of shipping their games to retailers, the cases, the discs/carts. they are all greedy cunts. 

  10. 41 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    Yeah the market is literally like 5x time bigger than the PS2 era. Look at how Gamecube and Xbox struggled to reach like 20m. So you had ONE successful console for like a 6 years period. Look at the market now, even shitty Xbox Series L is reaching that 20m bar easily and you have two powerhouse consoles that are selling really well simultaneously and despite the fact million of kids are playing games on mobiles exclusively. 

    Dreamcast was also in that gen.  not that 10 mill is a lot but it was still more competition. 

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