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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. 1 was namco 2 was published by Nintendo. It could just be the first game for PC.
  2. Wouldn't you rather republicans support RFK over trump? Wouldn't you want more people voting democract? Logically what you are saying makes no sense. A candidate with broad appeal who is also very progressive should be a good thing. It's weird how you guys immediately turn it into something dark and ulterior.
  3. She put forward a motion to censor him!!! In a fucking committee about free speech!! Jesus fuck dude. Must you defend all Dems at every fucking moment? RFK is a dem, a real one. Not this fake corporatist shit warwhore asshole DNC hack like Debbie ogre face Shultz.
  4. Debbie and the Dems tried to censor RFK before the hearing even started. Brilliant rebuttle. What the fuck has happened to the democratic party? Is this really all just an overreaction to Trump? Did it blow their minds so hard they would give up all their ideals just to prevent Trump from coming back into office?
  5. Yes. But why are these 2 terrible choices the frontrunners?
  6. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CujbLnNtsXD/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== And VP for another 4 years.. or perhaps less, depends if Biden has a stroke or trips and breaks his hip.
  7. 9 at ign https://www.ign.com/articles/pikmin-4-review
  8. I start watching Secret Invasion, it's alright. But the intro sequence is fucking horrible, it looks so off like it's generated by AI. Googled it and yes it's an AI animation https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a44304539/secret-invasion-ai-opening-credits-reaction/
  9. I hope your purchases bring you joy and happiness 🙂
  10. Do you only post here to show off things you've bought? Seems like you have a very low self esteem.
  11. But you see how the media twists it? They are either dumb or disengenous assholes.
  12. Gotta love smears that come to conclusions based on nothing he actually said. The machine is hard at work. He must really be a threat. Here is what he actually said. Thanks for posting a stupid cropped headline though Twinkie.
  13. I'm sorry if i missed it but where did you say Biden should debate?
  14. Lmao so now we need qualifiers for interviews? How about 2 hours with Bill Maher Again. Why doesn't Biden do an interview longer than 4 minutes without pre screened questions and a mic in his ear. What a fucking old ass manbaby. Enjoy his decline for another 6 years Remy.
  15. Wow a million views in a day. Dare you to watch the entire interview
  16. Who told you to hate him? I liked him long before for his fight against Monsanto.
  17. And here's the Biden interview.. Oh wait. He doesn't do them because he has the mental capacity of an 80 year old with early Alzheimer's. No wonder they won't let him debate a democrat candidate, it would be fucking embarassing. Can't wait for his debate vs whoever wins the GOP nomination.
  18. It's fucking jj abrams and Alex Kurtzman mush brain quality. Of course you like it. It's also the 2nd worst reviewed out of the 7. And you say I have terrible taste? It's only redeeming quality was Philip Seymour Hoffman.
  19. Mi 3 is the fucking worst!! Actually no, 2 is the worst. But the first 3 are ass. 4-7 are all great action flicks. And hopefully this is the last one.
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