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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I do. Their love of war and destruction, I've talked about that countless times. Unless endless war is now popular with the left?
  2. Alright guys, I've never installed a CPU or even know what my mobo can handle. I currently have a i7 4770k Anyone know what I can upgrade to?
  3. The great purge.. Starting to sound eerily like Stalinist Russia Yes I know titania mcgrath is a satirical account making fun of the woke left. The op article is not satire.
  4. Are you really going to compare that to destroying a foreign country for no reason but to enrich the industrial war machine? If social media was around in the early 2000's the hate on for Bush would have been far more severe and he probably wouldn't have been elected to a second term. Lets not forget the war also created ISIS out of the power vacuum left behind, which in turn killed hundreds of innocent people in Europe, in concerts, bars, 5 ton trucks driven through crowds etc etc.
  5. Anywayssss.... Bother are awful. Bush is a war criminal though so there's that. He seemed to have gotten away with it because the Democrats also voted to go to war on false pretenses.
  6. then why did Trump get way more black votes than any other republican president? Also Bush killed like a million people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sorry they aren't black.. but then again, neither are you
  7. 14512 for firestrike my pc still sucks lol. its my cpu weighing everything down.
  8. Yeah, I see them at the grocery store all the time leaning over their shopping carts because they are too fat to walk properly.
  9. Carving is a strong word lol The manatee does not appear to be seriously injured, officials said. It appears that the word was written in algae that had grown on the animal’s back, not scratched into its skin. I'm more concerned about the billions of plastic straps from face masks that are undoubtedly going to end up in the ocean killing who knows how many whales, fish and other marine life.
  10. You realize it's making fun of Trump right? Tiny hands?
  11. There should be a "not that I know of" option. Many of us probably have had it but were asymptotic.
  12. Lol I really don't care about all the lights and shit. The pc is under a desk. Also I just sold my old 960 2gb for 100 bucks. Wtf
  13. Lol just sold the 1060 for 200.. I bought the 2060 for 300
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