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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Who got banned? There's no news on big tech overstepping its bounds right now. So that can wait.
  2. So all Trump did to try to "calm" things was post a pre recorded video of him saying be peaceful yet still whine and bitch about losing? Lmao what a pussy
  3. There's been basically no human exploration since then. The moon has more surface area than Africa, I'm sure there's more to see. And we have much better technology now.
  4. This is kind of sad. The youngest of them is now 85. What the fuck happened to space exploration? Do we need another cold war or something? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_who_have_walked_on_the_Moon
  5. Trumps bank account has less than 11 780 in it now.
  6. Made right here in Vancouver 🙂
  7. They can't call it that anymore. It's a "toxic masculinity group"
  8. Why? I've made it abundantly clear i think Trump is a fucking moronic fool gameshow host who should never have been elected. Ive said it multiple times. Me saying it again on systemwars isn't going to make him go away any faster.
  9. I think it's more Trump being Trump as he continues to be Trump to end out his term as Trump. Does anything surprise you with Trump?
  10. Never got into these guys but 41 is young.. Shitty
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