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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Probably marked up knowing Carlos
  2. Well at least it takes more sense than the Canadian Senate. BC has 6 senators with a population of 5 million Quebec has 24 senators with a population of 8.5 million. Prince Edward Island has 4 senators with a population of 154 thousand.
  3. Why do they bother making phones look nice. They should just come standard with a rugged build, no need for case. Just build your phone sturdy as fuck. Imagine they made house phones out of glass and aluminum. A phone is a tool. No one gives a fuck what phone you have.
  4. And this is what you say when you know I'm right and have nothing to say. FYI. There is a difference between being on the left and being a democratic party supporter. One is actually on the left, the other just says superficial shit but behaves in a completely conservative manner.
  5. Wtf is a regular white elderly? What is regular to you? What is their median income? If you want to vaccinate based purely on economical standards then you can completely ignore race, as you should. But no, you want it to be about race became all you see is race.
  6. No. You only care about minorities if they tow the party line. As soon as someone has some sort of independent thought you turn on them. You care out of convienence to your own political views.
  7. Wasn't watching the news on Christmas bro
  8. How much intensity is required? Considering he didn't kill anyone...
  9. A trumpet nut job that failed at being a terrorist. What does this have to do with me?
  10. Its like you think all white people are rich and well off and all minorities are poor and suffering or something. Stop stereotyping. Would it not make more sense to distribute it based on income rather than skin color you racist twat?
  11. Show me where I said elderly minorities shouldn't get it first? Are we going to divide up the elderly by race now? Full blacks go first, then 3 quarter black, then half black, then quarter black? Where do Hispanics and Latinos fit in? Do we even bother with Asians? White people to the back of the line? You seriously think this will lead to good and healthy outcomes for a society? Racializing something like a vaccine? Wake the fuck up
  12. There is a limited number of vaccines. Start with those that need it most.
  13. I swear you can't comprehend basic English.
  14. How is it an asinine comparison.? You said infectious. It's infectious. We don't go into lockdown simply for infectious reasons. We do it because it's deadly. And it's particularly deadly to a particular segment of the population you God damn idiot.
  15. Infected doesn't mean death you twat cunt dumb fucking moronic twit. 99% of the time infected means no symptoms or mild symptoms. Unless of course you're elderly, then it has a significantly higher chance of KILLING YOU. Which is why we are in a fucking lockdown. We don't go into lockdowns for cold viruses because it doesn't kill you but is highly infectious.
  16. and once again, they arent. But they make up the VAST MAJORITY OF COVID19 DEATHS BY A MASSIVE HUGE MARGIN. Instead of giving school kids body armor to defend against school shooters lets give the neighbors who live near the school body armor first because they are affected too and they might be of a different skin hue!
  17. And if you vaccinate those who easily die from it then the infection is moot. You seem to think that's irrelevant though .
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