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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I hope it turns us into mindless zombies beholden to electronic devices
  2. I don't hate you. I don't like backwards barbaric organized religions that treat people like shit on a shoe. I'm guessing you arent an extremist that would stone his wife to death for adultery though.
  3. Oh here we go. I do not hate Muslims. I hate Islamic extremism. I swear you guys have comprehension issues. Zero nuance whatsoever. Do you have mild autism? I'm guessing you love the way Islam treats women, gays, etc.
  4. Because I don't support him. But hatred is not unilateral and unconditional.
  5. Oh silly silly nitric. You do realize sometimes people you don't like say and do the right things sometime. Would you rather he do the wrong thing all the time just so you can justify your hatred?
  6. Man there sure is a lot of pork in the "Covid relief bill" .. 5000 pages?
  7. up to 40% of the population can be considered "essential workers". those over 65 equal slightly over 15%. Due to the amount of available vaccine, in your superior wisdom, would it not be more effective to immunize the smaller more susceptible population first? Would this not prevent more deaths? Or do you only care about case counts regardless of severity?
  8. i feel like ive entered a twilight zone episode
  10. jehurey brought up that age group and they make up less than 5% of the total covid19 deaths. So i guess jehurey is the real dummy right?
  11. How am i changing the subject? It's what i've been talking about the entire thread A real right wing person would be saying the vaccine causes autism or some shit. Im saying vaccinate those who are most likely to die if infected. @Hot Sauce @-GD-X @madmaltese im sure any mod reading the thread can confirm this.
  12. No bro. I said most, majority, the odds, etc. That doesn't mean zero chance. There is always a chance. The entire point of this is immunizing those who have the HIGHEST CHANCE OF DYING. get it? seriously, not that complicated.. bro.
  13. 18 - 44 years old 601 3.9% 476 17 108 0.8% 3.9% wow Jehurey. Teh crisis is real. 95% of the deaths are 45 and up.
  14. where is the baseline number? Don't even think about playing the percentage increase game.
  15. You all seem to treat having COVID19 as the exact same thing as being dead from COVID19.
  16. Yes and Gouk, if you stop the people that die from the highly infectious disease from getting the highly infectious disease by vaccinating them first then the risk of death is minimized to near 0. For everyone. If everyone that has died from COVID19 over the age of 70 was vaccinated now the deaths would drop by 95%
  17. Hey dumbo, essential workers ARE NOT DYING FROM COVID19 in any significant number. If we protect essential workers grandparents then the death rate will fall to near ZERO. I know you're not very bright but you can at least pretend to understand this.
  18. You're the one who can't argue. you're the one who tries to shut down discussion with labels. you're the one telling me to yell at my mom. And why would I? She made the right choice. Too bad you weren't a fetus, it would be totally ok to flush you down the toilet.
  19. essential workers are NOT THE MOST AT RISK FROM DYING DUE TO COVID19. what fucking planet do you live on? I am an essential worker, I work for a group of meat suppliers, i visit 20 grocery stores a day, I want the people DYING FROM COVID to be immunized first. Me getting infected is not the same as someone who is elderly or immunocompromised getting infected. USE YOUR BRAIN JEHUREY>
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