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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Lol you guys really can't argue points without saying "right wing" "alt right" talking points. Debate me bitch.
  2. That's fine. I'm saying it's only going to be infinitesimally better. He will say the right things and mostly do the same things Trump does but with a DNC spin. And with the help of the MSM all will be well on the surface.
  3. I can see 2 sides of the same coin. Try to evolve your thinking ike. If it's right wing to not want to depend on a country that treats its population like human garbage then so be it. I guess caring is a right wing thing these days.
  4. It's not spin. He's a fundamental globalist. There are positives and negatives to globalism. Globalism does enrich poorer nations but it also weakens the western democracies. We have lost so much manufacturing that we end up depending on a shady country with horrible human rights abuses for essential goods.
  5. Biden will do fine for a global economy which is exactly what China wants. It will continue to make China more and more powerful, their influence will continue to grow. This is a short term plan for long term pain.
  6. Usually it's the CIS people who get most offended to be honest.
  7. Alt alt alt . Alt group? Wtf are you even talking about now. Hunter is now subpoenaed. Nothing to see here.
  8. What the fuck does any of this have to do with audio of Biden claiming he's going to do nothing as president? You guys love to deflect. If you can't attack the message then attack the messenger.. Am I right?
  9. The alt-right (abbreviated from alternative right) is a loosely connected far-right and white nationalist movement. A largely online phenomenon, the alt-right originated in the U.S. during the 2010s, although it has since established a presence in various other countries. The term is ill-defined, having been used in different ways by various self-described "alt-rightists", media commentators, and academics. Groups which have been identified as alt-right also espouse white supremacism, white separatism, right-wing populism, anti-immigration, racism, anti-communism, anti-Zionism, antisemitism, H
  10. Yeah he will "talk presidential". That's where it ends. He will still do shady dark shit but it won't be all over Twitter and the MSM will ignore it because they have their guy.
  11. I just bought Doom Eternal and Cold War for less than the price of Cyberpunk.
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