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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Ive never been against mask wearing or social distancing. It sucks, but I do it like im told. I was advocating for a much harsher total lockdown rather than a half assed one. At least with a complete lockdown the likelihood of ending it would have been sooner, but instead we have prolonged it.
  2. that sucks. I have a cough right now, but its probably just be a cold. i don't ache and my taste is fine. They don't want us to go for testing unless we know we are exposed or have several of the symptoms.
  3. As long as it mutates into something less severe it's fine. But yes it could be much much worse.
  4. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12432893/new-mutation-coronavirus-good-thing-more-infectious-less-deadly/ I don't understand why people refuse to understand the different between death RATE and overall death totals. Yes it's infecting more people but killing less people that are infected. It's a ratio. It's really not hard to understand. YES it's still deadly and horrible, but it's not as deadly as the first wave in feb/march/april.
  5. We have rules bro. Gouk knows what that thread was actually about. Don't try to be cute.
  6. Why are you going off topic? It's not difficult subject. Did the MSM and DNC treat certain candidates fairly? Yes or no
  7. The way you spun this is disingenuous. I don't care about him celebrating Biden's win. That has nothing to do with how he was treated by the media and the DNC during the primary.
  8. Strange how they only started caring about him once he endorsed Biden. Odd
  9. https://news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-may-mutating-less-deadly-113311660.html It's actually very common with most viruses. A virus wants to live and spread, if it kills its host its killing itself.
  10. I've had an nvidia shield tv for a couple years and never used it cause my Wi-Fi was shit. I upgraded to a gigabit and this shit runs flawlessly. Now when my pc is upgraded I'll be playing the best version of cyberpunk on my 75" 4k tv
  11. this place has gone quiet as fuck lately. how many people are banned? lol
  12. Fucking despicable behavior. God forbid they highlight a guy with good ideas. Status quo forever.
  13. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/what-to-know-about-vitamin-d-and-covid-19#Vitamin-D-deficiency-linked-to-COVID-19 It just might help if you get Covid.
  14. Are there any progressives named to his cabinet?
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