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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Trump was and is shit. He did nothing he said he would do.
  2. You're talking in circles. I'm not talking about the morality of Donald Trump.
  3. Who said wokeness caused obesity? My entire point was wokeness forcing diabetes bodies as normal and healthy.
  4. He really thinks posting this stuff in his little echo chamber is going to help his campaign? 🤣
  5. I don't suffer from TDS. I can dislike Trump without distorting reality. I'm not saying his personality is better in saying it's more lively. For his age he has more energy and better stage presence. That's why less people think Trump is too old to serve another term. Got it?
  6. Japan doesn't normalize obesity.
  7. 16% of men in japan are overweight. 51% of men in america are overweight.
  8. One minute Trump is praising RFK and the next minute he posts this 🤣
  9. Yeah cause saying he is more lively is a defense. You know you can be honest sometimes too Gouk. Who has more energy Trump or Biden. You don't have to lie because you don't like Trump.
  10. Lol. It forces you to be a fat ass if you want to be a druid. At least this one looks healthy.
  11. There's literally a show called my 600lb life. There's so many 600lb people they have filmed 12 seasons and 145 episodes. How many 600lb people do you think live in Japan? Or Egypt? Or India? And yeah you're right, there aren't many walking around because they are incapable of walking.
  12. What percentage of the population vote in primaries gouk?
  13. Diablo 4 is alright. Maybe one day it will be great. But ever since they sold out to Activision and then Microsoft they have been ass.
  14. More than 50% of Americans do not want Trump or Biden to be running again. More than 50% is a majority. Or has that changed?
  15. Oh sweetheart you are forgetting about independents that are the largest group now.
  16. I said it was rare, not that it didn't exist. They were a tiny minority. Now its half the population. Do you not see a problem here? Should we really be encouraging fat positivity? No. Not if you actually care about people's well being beyond hurt feelings.
  17. Uh. You are a derp. but but we've always been fat fucks! It's just genetics! 😂
  18. Overweight people are a pretty new thing to be fair. Go back and look at photos up people in the 80s and early 90s. It was rare to see obesity. They were the exception not the rule. Now half or more than half of north America are fat fucks. We shouldn't normalize that. Just like we should normalize drug use or alcohol abuse or anorexia or trans kids. It's all horrible for you.
  19. Stunning and brave!
  20. Finally. Loved the last one 🥰
  21. Finally this weird lesbo is dead
  22. I was hoping they would release it on Switch. RDR runs great and it's a newer game. No idea why they wouldn't do GTA4 which is on the same engine. It's not available for purchase on Xbox. You can only download the expansion for some reason. Where the hell can you play it? It's like they don't want anyone to play it.
  23. If you pick a class you don't want to play. They made ALL druid women fucking trucker looking beasts. These are supposed to be people that live off the land. They are lean. They shouldn't look like they eat at Wendy's everyday.
  24. I'ma sit on yo face bitch
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