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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. At least it plays every game without dumb workarounds
  2. Japan has 150 million, theyve sold 30 million in Japan (more than xbox series world wide lol).. so they still have another 120 million people to sell to in Japan.
  3. Because it's being built with Switch in mind instead of a port a year later.
  4. You didn't read the twitter files and are strawmanning an argument dumb dumb. It wasn't about "Biden", it was about the government and many of its agencies using their power and influence to persuade and sometimes threaten private companies to censor users when people said things that went against government narratives. Even if those narratives were misinformation such as the vaccine prevents transmission and Hunter L's laptop was a Russian disininfo operation. Lmao. Get bent Gouk.
  5. I don't write unintelligible paragraphs about nothing. You just disagree with what I say and that's fine.
  6. Jehurey is this you when craft amazing posts like these?
  7. It's honestly the dumbest thing you've ever written, and you have a long colorful history of dumb shit. It's so vague and broad and makes absolutely no sense Jehurey. Try harder.
  8. Do you read what you write before posting? Do you think "hmmm i sound really smart here, the red text and perenthes make me look sophisticated, brilliant even!" *Post* "haha i got them now! 🤣
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/04/biden-social-lawsuit-missouri-louisiana/ Bu bu lawyer said
  10. You think about me too much.
  11. After realizing it's been over 3 months since i last played a game on Xbox. TLHBO
  12. Its the best AC. But the thing i liked least about it was it was AC. I wish it was a new IP, stealth 3rd person action is really kinda boring. But being a pirate of the Caribbean is fun.
  13. uh what was the criticism? octopus tentacles? not sure what he was saying lol
  14. Lmao yeah cause pizza ovens are just wreaking havoc on earth. There are far bigger issues. Did you know the US military pollutes more than most developed nations? It's much easier to go after the little guy and hurt them, and obviously you support that cause you're a fucking cunt. Not to mention the hurt the retarded lockdowns caused on small businesses while the big ones like Walmart and Costco were allowed to stay open. If New York wants this done they should pay for it.
  15. By the way both are these are from TODAY at 2 different locations.
  16. Yeah thank goodness he's president. Such a strong leader, definitely has a great brain like Trump. The best brain of any president.
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