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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Actually fuck the dems too. You guys need a new democratic party.
  2. Biden has been in government for decades. Power corrupts. You honestly think he hasn't done shady shit in 50 years? He's a career politician for fuck sakes. God damnit you're so fucking blind. Biden does that stuff quietly, he knows the system. Trump is an idiot and can't keep his mouth shut.
  3. I dunno. Blowing up wedding parties is pretty shady. Name one war Biden didn't vote for? And look at how far Jehurey has fallen. Doesn't give a fuck neocons are joining the Biden administration. You're a fraud with no integrity
  4. I dunno.. How many scandals can Trudeau be involved with and still be prime minister. We could get a minority conservative government and a surge in NDP support again.
  5. Unless the NDP support the Liberals. The Conservatives want to do an investigation into Trudeau on his connections to the WE charity, all oppositions parties supported it but now the Liberals have turned it into a confidence motion. We shall see.
  6. Yes acts. Meaning he acts presidential while quietly doing shady stuff in the dark rather than out in the open like Trump. Status quo. Yay. You get what you vote for I guess.
  7. At least he "acts" presidential... cause thats more important than policy right?
  8. National Post: Rex Murphy: Twitter should answer for despicable behaviour in suppressing Biden story. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-twitter-should-be-made-to-answer-for-its-despicable-behaviour-in-suppressing-biden-story
  9. Is the gay Pulitzer Prize winning leftist journalist now pro Trump too @nitricyou fucking twit.
  10. What camera footage? You aren't posting any source to what you just said.
  11. Oh so airplanes don't exist and legally blind now means 100% blind. Got it.
  12. Oh so you prefer sticking your erect penis inside men's assholes only? Live a little lostfuck
  13. Oh I'm sorry Dictrick. You must be one of those virtous paedophiles.
  14. No he's not the source. The source is Hunter Biden's laptop and the repair store owner. Also if this were reversed and an advisor to Joe Biden brought forth information on Donald Trump Jr you wouldn't think twice about it. You're a hypocrite.
  15. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamil-jivani-censoring-of-hunter-biden-story-should-concern-us-all
  16. That's like saying cable is irrelevant, or newspapers.
  17. The entire point of this fucking thread is media hypocrisy and censorship. YIKKKKEESSSs Twitter should not be censoring news outlets. They are a public platform, publicly traded on a public stock market. As for the article itself, the FBI has this fake laptop with the fake hard drive with the fake emails. I guess we will find out if it's all fake. Just for posterity.. Do you believe the story to be completely fake? Odds are someone in politics for 50 years is going to be corrupt somewhere down the line.
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