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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2024/04/ex-playstation-dev-gio-corsi-joins-nintendo-of-america Gio Corsi Gio Corsi, who is perhaps best known in the industry for his six-year tenure at PlayStation, has announced that he has joined Nintendo of America's 'AAA Third-Party Portfolio Management' team.
  2. He's in it to win. Biden is not going to win He's spoiling it for the real liberal in the race. He should drop out.
  3. I hope they streamline it a bit. I like the first game but it's kind of tedious at times.
  4. He's only a spoiler if you feel America should be a duopoly in perpetuity. And you're a cunt.
  5. One time it's wrong and that means it's wrong forever?
  6. Yeah I'm sure it would be more reliable if it enforced your beliefs.
  7. @Goukosan does this upset you? You must be a trump supporter if it does.
  8. You seem to lack the awareness that he is taking more votes from Trump than he is from Biden. So are you upset he's helping Biden? And OMG he was a run of the mill democrat 24 years ago. Who would have guessed!?
  9. As was liking it until a they/them appeared. And then it showed it's gross hairy legs. Barf.
  10. It's 1950s design you IDIOT!!! 😊
  11. Lmao you're such a fucking ghoul. The media is mostly owned by the Democrats. They will continue to attack everything he says and does. Spin spin spin. How dare RFK challenge the system! How dare he break the duopoly!! The thing that doesn't make sense is all the polling shows he takes more from Trump than he does from Biden. You would think they could use that to their advantage. Nope. Too stupid I guess.
  12. Most people who vote green are not voting for any other party but green. If a candidate loses, they lost because they didn't appeal to enough voters. Stop being an anti democratic cunt
  13. There is no such thing as a spoiler. You vote for who you want and no one is owed votes. Votes are earned. Don't be an anti democratic cunt. Also, she doesn't speak for the campaign.
  14. They milk so hard. I feel no need to upgrade my 3060 12gb
  15. Team17 (blasphemous) would be my choice for continuing Castlevania
  16. They can license the IP to a dev like Twin Motion or Team Cherry. They already let Twin Motion do a Castlevanis expansion to Dead Cells and it's awesome.
  17. And it's fucking great. Twin Motion should just make a full on new Castlevania, but Konami sucks ass and it won't happen.
  18. I think in 2025 on a higher resolution screen it would be better
  19. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/06/pfizer-breached-regulatory-code-five-times-watchdog-finds/ Wait there's more!
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