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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. yeah but their hair isnt as good.
  2. there were more republicans speaking than progressives
  3. its interesting you know what a power bottom is
  4. The right wants more conflicts. I am against this. The neolibs also want more conflicts. I am against that.
  5. Anti war is not alt right. Guess I'll start calling you a neoliberal
  6. 28 positive reviews, 2 negative. It'll be fine.
  7. Colin Powell is a war criminal and they invited him to speak because he's against Trump. Really this is all it takes?
  8. Sure looked like a war rally. Full of neocons and neolibs talking about policing the world, nation building (drone strikes) and regime change. It's happening a unified left and right. Get rid of Trump and get back to dropping bombs on wedding parties fuck America.
  9. Cause they need their votes. Once he's in the socialists have nothing.
  10. Why would they want that? They're going broke
  11. I want a more hopeful slogan for this reality. The new normal sounds too permanent. Its a pandemic, they do end eventually.
  12. If i could make a duplicate of you you would argue with that duplicate for eternity, even if you are agreeing with yourself you would find something to nitpick and continue arguing.
  13. will the Canucks end the stanley cup champs tomorrow?
  14. probably the worst slogan for COVID19.. it makes it sound so hopeless and permanent. Couldn't it be "the temporary new normal" "this aint forever" etc etc, I cringe everytime i hear a stupid ad on the radio talking about how this business or that business is dealing with "the new normal". Keep Calm and Carry On
  15. If they have all 3 then there is absolutely no excuse to pass their relief bills. It's easy writing a bill knowing it won't pass just so you can say "look see it's the Republicans fault".
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