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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. i asked you to point out a islamic country that allowed gay marriage or anything liberal. You posted to a time when iran moved away from islam as some sort of victory for islam.
  2. The people were rejecting the islamic values. It lasted for a decade and then islam came roaring back. So what is it? islam good? You are so fucked up on this issue. You've tricked your brain into believing shit. You can't be pro islam and then use Iran as an example of Islam progressing.. they were rejecting Islam because it fucking sucks!!!
  3. you pointed to a country becoming LESS ISLAMIC.. my whole point is islam is bad for society. so you pointed to a country leaving that behind as an example of progress in islam? dafqu are you even saying? you cant have it both ways
  4. They were progressing OUT OF ISLAM Dude bro bud man come on.
  5. Iran was heading in a secular direction numbnuts. Do you understand what that means? Now they are Islamic again and all the progress was lost. Thanks for proving my point.
  6. America isnt a Mormon country, they are a very tiny minority. Name one progressive Islamic country. Just one. Which islamic country can gays get married? Which ones treat women as equals? ill wait for your answer.
  7. Muslims concerned about extremism, both globally and in U.S. Overall, eight-in-ten Muslims (82%) say they are either very concerned (66%) or somewhat concerned (16%) about extremism in the name of Islam around the world. This is similar to the percentage of the U.S. general public that shares these concerns (83%), although Muslims are more likely than U.S. adults overall to say they are very concerned about extremism in the name of Islam around the world (66% vs. 49%). About seven-in-ten Muslims – and a similar share of Americans overall – are concerned about extremism in the name of
  8. All this progress will be out the fucking window jehurey. You know this. Stop fucking bullshitting yourself
  9. Hahahahahhahahahahabahabababababababababababababahahahahah omfgg you actually believe this?? Holy shit
  10. Probably because left wing people cannot accept anyone who is anti Muslim even if it destroyed her life. Think about that for a second. The left seems to be pro women of colour only if she's pro Islam too. The contradictions are disgustingly obvious
  11. If America became an Islamic State would it be better than it is now? Since I get it, not all Muslims etc etc. How would women be treated? How would LGBT people be treated? How would atheist, Jews, Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and agnostic people be treated? Would the values of our western society be maintained or would they revert back to something similar to 16th century Christianity? You know the answer to these questions, and it's not bigoted to be against a religion. Calling me bigoted is just a cheap defle
  12. No she's now an aethiest. Bet you can't watch the video because your mind is so closed off to form of criticism.
  13. Why shouldn't it? Are we supposed to think less of their culture?
  14. what Islam needs to reform and modernize is more Of her. She had her vagina mutilated as a child and has been living under the threat of death since speaking out. Sorry for being bigoted Jehurey.
  15. Don't fucking tell me what I fucking think. What's more tolorant? Islam or Western Culture? Kind of weird how it's western culture getting bashed while we allow Islam to persist. Jehurey is pro female genital mutilation everyone!!
  16. I have nothing against the people. Nothing. I have issues with ISLAM. Fucking hell I wish it were 100% white religion so you would have no issue with me bashing it and so would the rest if the world. Islam is a set of beliefs. I disagree with many of these beliefs. Are you pro women's rights or no? Are you pro LGBT rights or no? Does this religion supersede those things because its a majority brown people religion? Separate the religion from the people Jehurey.
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