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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Don't think I've ever said that when they die in car crashes or shootings.. But whatever floats your boat
  2. This honestly doesn't seem realistic to me. To save old as fuck people? In my 80s I wouldnt give a shit. Just add it to the list of disease that will probably kill me. If anything just isolate the old and sick when there is an outbreak. Seems like a far easier solution. At least this way the population can build up antibodies and slow the spread that way.
  3. Yes but if it's spread by contact how can resolve this? If social distancing is stopping it wouldn't that have to remain indefinitely ?
  4. We have accepted cancer kills us. We may need to accept Covid as a part of getting old and one of the many diseases that can kill us in our 80s. We can't keep the world shutdown for this. Logically it makes little sense.
  5. Yeah over time. But if there was some massive focus on it and the entire world was invested in curing it then sure it would happen.
  6. Younger.. As in less than 87? What I'm saying is I think we over reacted in hindsight. I wish governments would have the same reaction to cancer. All that money being spent on creating a vaccine? The same should be applied to cancer which kills far more people of any age.
  7. Does it seem so bad? was this all worth it? Here in Canada the average death from Covid is 87. life expectancy is 82..
  8. if 5'10 and 172lbs is fat sure.. guess thats me.
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