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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. We have lots, of course it's all catch and release
  2. I took the pics, so no I'm not one of those guys. You use sturgeon rods. Must bigger than a salmon rod
  3. No.. Theyre just as big as sharks and they eat meat
  4. Why must everything be left and right wing with you. You have this political lens on at all times. Grow the fuck up dude.
  5. Yes she's going after the countries that actually have declining carbon emissions. For some reason the media doesn't want to talk about the biggest polluters, probably because of political correctness or some bullshit. Or if I were conspiracy theorist she's funded by China in an attempt to destroy western industry
  6. And yet we have people in my province freaking out we are building a natural gas plant to displace Chinese coal use. It's like they are too oblivious to realize we all breathe the same air. Natural gas produces 1/3rd as much carbon as burning coal.
  7. Yes, a 14 year old reading off scripts is ignorant. She has handlers and is completely ignoring the elephants in the room. China and India. My claims are not the polar opposite, its only been happening for millions of years without fail. The world is not ending in 12 years or whatever these nutjobs are claiming. Yes we need to reduce carbon and pollution, not denying this. What I disagree with is the sensationalism of this girl and The Green New Deal and the like. If we want to be serious about pollution we need to address this https://www.bbc.com/news/w
  8. Do you really not know how ice ages happen hot sauce?
  9. She reads off scripts and knows absolutely nothing about science or the fact the earth has heated and cooled countless times. How many mass extinctions have we had in 4.5 billion years? Yes humans have an impact on the environment dont worry Greta, we will be in an ice age very soon. The ice caps will melt which will drastically cool the oceans and BAM, ice age here we come and it starts all over again. It would happen with or without people.
  10. ooo oooooo oooo oo hey! oooo ooo oooooo oo o hey! la la laaaaaaaa oooeeeee hey! Whats with this choir sounding garbage? skinny jeans, goofy hats? banjos and ukuleles? Do kids these days really not want to ROCK anymore? Is it too offensive? There's no rebellious nature to rock and roll anymore, its just soft and doughy Its all elevator music to me inoffensive, talentless, love songs. Musical castration. Oh yeah MORE REVERB PLEASE! FUCK YEAH WE ALL SING IN GIANT AUDITORIUMS ON THE RADIO
  11. I fucking love that song
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