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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://spotify.link/Q78gayhOqCb This album is incredible. Think God Speed married 90s radiohead and birthed Tool. Every song has so many twists and turns. It's fucking amazing. Anyone who likes heavy prog rock would love this. I'm kind of mad how few views it has.
  2. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cv-QbXvgnSI/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  3. Cooke

    DF RDR Switch

    Lemmings don't buy games anyway, so why does it matter?
  4. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwDb_LPgZvo/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  5. A modded switch is able to run this at 60fps.. why didn't they make the PS4/5 60fps? Rockstar is so fucking lazy 😂
  6. I can't find anything about Hunter Biden having his father as Pedo Peter in his iPhone from 2013.. or are you skipping over what I'm talking about completely and just talking about this Robert L Peters ?
  7. Where are you getting this from?
  8. its funny how "bu bu this is old news" is somehow a defense. lmao what a fucking turd you are Gouk. The bar is low but you just lowered it to the ground. THIS WAS JUST RELEASED ON A FREEDON OF INFO REQUEST.
  9. pretty sure i havent seen you say one negative thing about biden ever. did pedo peter touch you in the right spots? or are you just a DNC bot? you must work in government. No one could be that dedicated to a fucking creep.
  10. I just played it for a half hour. It's definitely a better more refined game
  11. Cooke

    This sucks..

    Umm that's kinda what I'm talking about bro. Nearly identical articles from multiple outlets repeating the same thing verbatim all at the same time. No new reporting. Not actually providing evidence to counter the claim. Just saying "experts say this". Yeah experts are always right. It's like you haven't learnt anything during COVID. Experts are routinely wrong and routinely spout opinions to back certain narratives for financial incentives or to remain in the good graces of the establishment. Right now climate is the new COVID. Everyone must repeat the same talking points without
  12. This is probably the one he goes down for. I'm so sick of Trump. Just go away.
  13. Cooke

    This sucks..

    I know. But do you think there might be a slight ulterior motive? Wind power is seen as green and planet saving. Dead whales goes against that narrative so they try to minimize it. It's weird how so many news outlets basically wrote the exact same article at almost the exact same time. It's like there's some sort of coordinated effort to silence it. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/feb/20/us-protesters-wind-turbines-whale-deaths-evidence https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/11/23718523/whale-beachings-east-coast-offshore-wind-shipping https://www.usa
  14. Cooke

    This sucks..

    It's new reporting and the full documentary is coming soon. It's interesting what a coordinated effort there is to try and claim whales are no longer immensley sensitive to sound in the water. We've known for decades that large boat propellor noise is detrimental to whales. What do you think wind turbines are? Have you ever been near one? In the water they are much louder. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/26/world/whales-noise-pollution-anti-collision-c2e-spc-intl-scn/index.html
  15. Cooke

    This sucks..

    Can we stop with the massive wind farms that destroy millions of acres of land and are even worse on the water? Nuclear is safe, clean and could easily solve the energy crisis.
  16. If Matrix was 100. Reloaded is 75. Revolutions is 25 and Resurrections is a 0.
  17. Most are not. Some partially. But the shit you guys believe instantly because CNN and MsNBC repeat it 24/7 is astounding. Trump has enough faults that you don't need to make shit up.
  18. I did in the beginning. But honestly what was the point? 95% of every news article and report was negative. What else could I say that wasn't already said? Biden seems to get a pass for just about everything from the media.
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