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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Your genitalia and pigment will always taint your words regardless of intent or meaning.
  2. You're one step away from committing genocide
  3. This new religion is disturbing
  4. are you assuming our races and genders? You do realize those are just social constructs RIGHT?!
  5. But according to jehurey everyone who isn't an sjw and doesn't like sjw culture is an alt righter that is full of far right talking points and agendas!! KKK Nazis forever!!
  6. we aren't the one's publishing articles on whether Ronda Rousey can be in MK11
  7. Do you ever say anything that's not an insult to someone who doesn't think the way you do? This behavior is becoming quite repetitive.
  8. We will see what Mr Bowser is like at E3 hopefully
  9. Check out @Lythero’s Tweet:
  10. how is mk11 woke? That also doesnt include digital sales which make up a much larger ratio these days.
  11. Because she's a "transphobe" Yup she has a phobia of transsexual people https://waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/qv7b5w/ronda-rousey-mortal-kombat-11-transphobia
  12. Katana mother fucking Zero!
  13. You didn't get Katana zero!? Duuuude this game is so you. You'll love it, I promise.
  14. Reset era is to blame for the recent garbage sjw tropes in games these days. Publishers get the idea they represent the majority view.
  15. That place is fucking horrifying
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