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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. If they are norms worth protecting then protect them. Not primarying a candidate is not a norm worth protecting. It has no benefit to the people. If the candidate is good the people will vote for them.
  2. You really do watch too much MSNBC. You use all their talking points lmao. Protecting the norms is not democracy Gouk.
  3. Yes it's dumb because she's not a spoiler. And Goukosan doesn't actually like real democracy. He likes a facsimile of democracy where the DNC annointed one is uncontested. That's the will of the people amirite!? Oh wait, Biden has extremely low favorability and odds are he will die in office if he goes another term. That is a fact.
  4. Holy fuck. Running in a primary IS NOT A SPOILER YOU MORONiC TWaT
  5. Do you believe in democracy or no Gouk?
  6. I haven't heard you call AOC a spoiler candidate when she primaried her way in past an incumbent .
  7. How is running in a primary a spoiler? Serious question.
  8. You do realize this argument is a complete fallacy right? If RFK is so popular with republicans and he then runs 3rd party it would pull votes away from Trump. He will not run as a republican.
  9. It took 10 years for D3 to become good.
  10. Interesting. A year and a half ago. She was just on Russel Brand with her husband supporting him a week ago. And what's his stance Gouk? Better safety regulations for massive pharmaceutical companies? Oh the horror.
  11. 1 was namco 2 was published by Nintendo. It could just be the first game for PC.
  12. Wouldn't you rather republicans support RFK over trump? Wouldn't you want more people voting democract? Logically what you are saying makes no sense. A candidate with broad appeal who is also very progressive should be a good thing. It's weird how you guys immediately turn it into something dark and ulterior.
  13. She put forward a motion to censor him!!! In a fucking committee about free speech!! Jesus fuck dude. Must you defend all Dems at every fucking moment? RFK is a dem, a real one. Not this fake corporatist shit warwhore asshole DNC hack like Debbie ogre face Shultz.
  14. Debbie and the Dems tried to censor RFK before the hearing even started. Brilliant rebuttle. What the fuck has happened to the democratic party? Is this really all just an overreaction to Trump? Did it blow their minds so hard they would give up all their ideals just to prevent Trump from coming back into office?
  15. Yes. But why are these 2 terrible choices the frontrunners?
  16. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CujbLnNtsXD/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== And VP for another 4 years.. or perhaps less, depends if Biden has a stroke or trips and breaks his hip.
  17. 9 at ign https://www.ign.com/articles/pikmin-4-review
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