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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Fuck the cloud. Fuck it all to hell. Fuck streaming, fuck latency, fuck google, fuck Microsoft. Stop trying to ruin gaming.
  2. lol that bird demo at the beginning this was better 7 years ago
  3. jon you didn't need to upgrade your 1060!
  4. I've never understood the appeal of watching other people play games. Just fucking play the game yourself!
  5. Everyone is alt right, everyone is a nazi and everyone who disagrees is crying. Got it. Thanks sugarbuns. It's been a real pleasure.
  6. You have a weird understanding of what crying is. If you think having a discussion is crying then you've been crying just as much as me.
  7. Well you didn't watch so why should I read? It's not just about pewdepie. It's about you and your insane behavior.
  8. Here I'll let a leftist Korean American investigative journalist explain it to you.
  9. Ok.. We are clearly on different wavelengths here. I'm not talking about YOU specifically. I'm talking about many loud inidivuals on the left who whimsically call anyone and everyone a literal nazi if they don't hold a buzzfeed view of the world. Ok?
  10. If someone is asking for God damn ethnic cleansing then fuck yes call him a nazi. Same goes for wanting an all white state. That's not my point!! It's about people calling others Nazis when they clearly arent! You just made an example of a true nazi.
  11. The left has completely devalued the word Nazi to the point of it becoming meaningless. Real men and women gave their lives to stop them. People that disagree with you on the internet are not Nazis. They are called Conservatives, most of them are not racist or hold any nazi far right views. The fact that the left is calling certain Jewish people and gays and blacks Nazis just proves my point.
  12. So you're not denying it then?
  13. "Cooke you don't act gay, you're probably faking it" "Turtle are you sure you're black?" Lmao what a fucking biggot @McWickedis. Everyone's gotta stay in their lane.
  14. Next to jehurey you're the racist person here
  15. So your goal is to create more alt right? That's seems like a rather counterintuitive goal. But sure keep moving those goal posts closer and closer and then you'll have everyone to the right of buzzfeed as the alt right. Congratulations
  16. uhhhh well that was disappointing
  17. Yeah he's right. They say time flies when you're having fun but it flies even faster when you're in a routine
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