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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Ok guys you've really lost focus
  2. Because they don't know any better, they are children.
  3. @McWicked https://cmajnews.com/2018/05/09/why-are-women-still-earning-less-than-men-in-medicine-cmaj-109-5576/ Multiple factors contribute to the gender gap, says Dr. Gigi Osler, president-elect of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA). “Women generally work fewer hours than men per week. Women aren’t as well represented in the higher-billing specialties. Women might see fewer patients per day because they’re spending more time with their patients.” Osler says women are dissuaded from applying to surgical specialties because “the schedule is unpredictable;
  4. That's true. I am just talking about the average median behavior of the sexes. It has been this way in primates for millions of years, it's inherit yet flexible.
  5. It's up to 18 months in Canada
  6. I think the way we are taught is better suited to females. Boys learn better through activity, not sitting at desks listening to adults talk. Girls are better at listening and applying that knowledge through words and dialogue. This is why so many boys are diagnosed with adhd but really its just natural behavior. It's kind of sad how we are over medicating little boys.
  7. Again, your brain is why you make decisions. Men and women have different brains. This is not some unknown thing lol. We have different chemical balances, different structures, different hormones, chromosomes etc. These things will sway us into different directions. I'm not saying a male brain is better, but both have their advantages and disadvantages in differing areas. Females tend to gravitate towards caring and nurturing while male brains tend to gravitate towards providing and protecting. It's part of our evolution. Did you seriously not know this? Or is this really that taboo to you?
  8. Is that what you actually think my argument is? Is this what you have reduced it down to? "Cooke thinks women are inferior and should be paid less" Really dude
  9. So another non answer then?
  10. ok that was a short game, easy win. I've asked you numerous times what you think a solution would be and you never reply to the question. I will definitely concede this particular area, if women are making less than men in the doctor profession after working the same hours etc then its wrong and needs to be corrected. I'd like to know what kind of doctor they are referring to, because a family doctor pretty much sets their own hours and can see as many patients in a day as they see fit up to government regulated limits. If a female doctor is seeing less than her limit
  11. I could pick fields were men make less than women on average. Would this help? ok brb in an hour.
  12. This actually looks to be an area where men do make more money than women. Ill get back to you on this, my DOTA2 game is starting.
  13. Its not just about one thing. There are multiple reasons for women making less than a man in a year. There are scientific reasons, those are very real reasons, it is not sexist to talk about it. Also if men are paid more than women why the fuck would a business want to hire men? Aren't businesses in the business of making profits?
  14. And still ignoring the real question. What is the solution?
  15. In what way have I misrepresented science?
  16. We've come a long way since measuring head sizes Seriously dude, can you actually make REAL arguments or is it all conjecture and diversions? Ill ask you again, WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION TO FIX THIS PAY GAP!? Either we pay men less per hour on average, ban overtime, pay women more than men to work less hours or just let men and women make their own choices. I choose option 4, its the most liberal.
  17. lol, why do you guys keep bringing up me being gay in this discussion. What the fuck does my sexuality have to do with the gender pay gap discussion? seriously..
  18. yeah, science is alt-right now. Got it.
  19. Wow you really aren't good at looking at the world from the distance. Women get paid the same as men if they are working the same job and working the same amount of hours. There are scientific differences between men and women, talking about this is not sexist, its science. If you can't discuss science then thats ok, maybe you didn't take any biology courses in university.
  20. And citing studies Again, there is nuance to the figures, why can't you see that? A female pilot will make the same per hour as a male pilot. This is the law. If the female pilot decides to work less shifts because she wants a better work life balance should she receive more money to work less? Do you even have an answer? What would be your solution? Please tell me!
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