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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I will wait for you to watch my 3 minute segment.
  2. I watched it, it just reiterating headline states with zero nuance and detail as to why these numbers exist this is why you can't argue my points, you have none. They look at how much a man made and how much a woman made in a year and thats it. They didn't analyze HOW MANY HOURS IN A YEAR THEY WORKED. that part continually gets overlooked because it doesn't fit the narrative.
  3. @zwarior @mcwicked please just watch from 10:15, she sums it up eloquently. And I will say again, I do believe there is a pay gap, but there are legitimate reasons for it and its not because of sexism. It's because life gets in the way for different people at different times, and people make different choices as to what to do with their lives.
  4. Which sex tends to be more caring and nurturing, Men or women?
  5. You haven't even made an argument against me yet. Are you actually going to join the conversation or are you going to be a pest?
  6. its completely irrelevant.
  7. here yall go, 5 women discussing this topic. Its not black and white, never will be. There are reasons for the gaps, some are in favor of men some are in favor of women. It will never be 100% equal because men and women are not identical beings.
  8. Oh look, a librul trying to create a "gotcha!" You got me! My sarcastic response to zwarrior was a clear indication of my lack of knowledge on the subject of human biology and psychology.
  9. Its easy to point to a statistic and say "hey look! men are making more money than women!" and then not dive into the reasons why. Should reasons not matter? How would we even rectify a situation where women choose to work less than men? what are we supposed to do about this? Force them to work more? Pay them more per hour? Pay men less? Outlaw overtime? What would be the answer here?
  10. Now you're trying to change the subject because you can't argue your point.
  11. Quit trying to stereotype me.
  12. This is true, more women are graduation from college and university, but you also have to look at what they are studying and if it applies in the real world. Lesbian dance theory is of no use to society, the demand for someone taking this course would be quite low I would imagine. Women tend not to choose stem fields which are always in high demand. Should a preschool teacher make as much money as an engineer? Probably not. Yes both jobs are important but a teaching degree is far easier to obtain. And working less doesn't just mean maternity leave, women tend not to voluntarily wo
  13. Well i think the reason for this is the type of brain men and women have.. Men tend to choose riskier high profit jobs while women lean towards care and education (considerably less dangerous). It should really come down to if you are happy doing what you are doing then do it. The focus on pay is silly, If you want a higher paying job then go for it! nothing is stopping a woman from doing so other than herself. We live in a very liberal society, its extremely fair, everyone has an opportunity to succeed if they have the will.
  14. It all boils down to men and women making different choices. Women should not be paid the same for a day's work if they decide to work 2 hours less than a man. It sounds like they are asking to be paid more per hour than men.. lol
  15. you can't critically think about this kind of thing and actually believe their is still a gender pay gap in the western world. As soon as you do think about it and look at actual facts and statistics a huge hole is blown in the theory, so instead leftists resort to feelings instead of facts.
  16. Yeah not what I was expecting, it was better. They made it seem like the little girl was the star but it was the son who had a larger role
  17. At the Oscars? What In the fuck? It's just a run of the mill super hero movie that happens to feature black people. Dark Knight wasn't nominated and it was 10x the film. Fuck black Panther wasn't even the best super hero movie of 2018. Don't get me wrong, it was a good movie. But really? Nominated for best film? Lol
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