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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Do you read what you write before posting? Do you think "hmmm i sound really smart here, the red text and perenthes make me look sophisticated, brilliant even!" *Post* "haha i got them now! 🤣
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/04/biden-social-lawsuit-missouri-louisiana/ Bu bu lawyer said
  3. You think about me too much.
  4. After realizing it's been over 3 months since i last played a game on Xbox. TLHBO
  5. Its the best AC. But the thing i liked least about it was it was AC. I wish it was a new IP, stealth 3rd person action is really kinda boring. But being a pirate of the Caribbean is fun.
  6. uh what was the criticism? octopus tentacles? not sure what he was saying lol
  7. Lmao yeah cause pizza ovens are just wreaking havoc on earth. There are far bigger issues. Did you know the US military pollutes more than most developed nations? It's much easier to go after the little guy and hurt them, and obviously you support that cause you're a fucking cunt. Not to mention the hurt the retarded lockdowns caused on small businesses while the big ones like Walmart and Costco were allowed to stay open. If New York wants this done they should pay for it.
  8. By the way both are these are from TODAY at 2 different locations.
  9. Yeah thank goodness he's president. Such a strong leader, definitely has a great brain like Trump. The best brain of any president.
  10. Lmao how can Biden lead from the start by not winning Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada? He didn't win until South Carolina (cause if you don't vote for me you ain't black).
  11. There ya go. Pledges to support the Democratic nominee. Not a spoiler.
  12. Perhaps you have a shit memory but Biden was doing horribly in the primaries. Sanders was winning and it wasn't until everyone dropped out and endorsed Biden (except for Warren who stayed in to take votes away from Sanders) that Biden started winning. And now they are changing the order of the states to help Biden this time around. South Carolina goes first lmao. More DNC rigging 🤣 And then in the general election covid hit and he fucking campaigned from his basement.
  13. Now they are coming for pizza ovens https://nypost.com/2023/06/25/nyc-rules-crack-down-on-coal-wood-fired-pizzerias-must-cut-carbon-emissions-up-to-75/
  14. Ok if he's so great and it's going to be easy. Defend his 4 years as president and show the people an octogenarian can run the most powerful country on earth. If he can't debate he shouldn't be president. He didn't have to campaign in 2020, he did everything from his basement and went to bed at 4pm. It's not 2020 anymore, put the work in.
  15. Trump is a fucking pussy and this makes him look weak. The RNC will still have debates without him and there should be an empty podium for him. The DNC however will not have debates because they know Biden would fall down, shake hands with a ghost, slur his words, talk about his leg hairs and children touching it in the pool and challenge someone to pushups for questioning him.
  16. You ACTUALLY supported Joe Biden? He was your first choice? Lmao
  17. You are confused. Denying a primary challenger is less democratic. That's what I'm saying. If Obama had a challenger I wouldn't say omg nooo debates he's ruining everything *cries*. If Biden is serious about (democracy) then he will debate and campaign. And he should. A majority of democrats don't want him to run again. RFK can't be a spoiler if he's running as a democrat inba primary. Biden will most likely win the nomination and go up against Trump once again.. Yippee. Williamson explains it perfectly.
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