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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. It became what the left wanted it to mean because they needed something to rally around. When trumps campaign made the hat and slogan they in no way thought "hey this would be a great replacement for the swastika and white hood!" It became that because that's what the alt left wanted it to be.
  2. I couldn't even finish the movie. I would have been fine with an all female cast, I don't care about that, I just want it to be good. The writing was awful and the group lacked chemistry. also McCarthy and Jones was too much of the same thing.
  3. Mcwicked is well trained to see identifiers and then make vast generalizations about millions of people. Fuck the individual! It's all about tribalism now
  4. Because some white supremacists wore those hats makes kanye a nazi?
  5. What happens when there are actual Nazis and white supremacists? The left's lazy use of words is really worrying.
  6. Are you actually comparing the red hats to white hoods? Seriously?
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/21/tech/twitter-suspends-account-native-american-maga-teens/index.html See what happens when you wait for facts instead of reacting to emotion? This is what social media has done to our society.
  8. how come 3rd world gaming seems to get so many more AAA exclusives?
  9. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=undefined&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwjCm6qPhoDgAhWGHnwKHZI9DMQQzPwBCAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnationalpost.com%2Fnews%2Ftoronto%2Funtil-it-was-found-to-be-a-hoax-toronto-girls-hijab-made-news-not-the-attack-on-her&psig=AOvVaw2goHjl0t2JMh8O_Y7xZVCh&ust=1548200414799481 This was a big event here Until it was found to be a hoax, Toronto girl's hijab made news, not the attack on her
  10. No. If the reason for abortion is because the mother doesn't want to or can't care for it then yeah Im anti abortion, the state can help with that and give the child a home. If its because she was raped or if the baby is going to be born is life threatening deformities then I'm ok with it. My mom was pregnant with me when she turned 17, she was going to get an abortion because she thought her parents would disown her, turns out they changed her mind and my mom and dad got married and have been together since. It's kind of a shitty feeling to know your life could have
  11. what? The disable signature makes it so YOU cant see anyone's signature. It doesn't disable your signature for other people. If you don't want to have a signature then remove it.
  12. Sorry, I mean "literally Hitler"
  13. Well if we were to believe the left then everyone from center left to right is Hitler.
  14. Why must someone believe in one ideology? Those people are called ideologues. That's not exactly a good thing. Can you not comprehend reason on both sides of the spectrum? There are good and bad things on the left and right, that is how you become a centrist. Not because you say you are neutral on every issue. For me I'm anti abortion but I'm pro drug decriminalization and for public healthcare. I also believe there are 2 genders plus transgender but I also believe everyone should be treated equal regardless of sexual orientation, race, sex/gender etc.
  15. I'm sure Stalin said some uplifting things too while killing 50 million people.
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