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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Ummm hello? The video is about how easy it is to get a peer reviewed study in the social and gender study fields. Its absolutely ridiculous. If you want to find a peer reviewed study on why I can identify as a lesbian lumberjack unicorn crossdresser then you can, if you can't find it you can write your own and it will be reviewed
  2. So easily manipulated . Here's some college professors that did some bogus studies that were accepted and peer reviewed
  3. I think we need a peer reviewed study on whether water is wet or not.
  4. What stereotype am I intentionally trying to look like sweetie pie? Come on sweeeeeetie tell me!
  5. Gillette doesn't need to mansplain to its customers. What aren't you getting? If you were in charge of their marketing department would you actually greenlight that commercial? The one you posted is not even remotely similar. Is it painting all women as shallow whores? Nope. Its about self esteem. If the Gillette ad was about self esteem then no one would have a problem with it.
  6. If their shaving company told them to stop being whiney entitled bitches who expect the world without working hard then yeah I'm sure they'd complain about it.
  7. Redefining the meaning of gender doesn't change the fact.
  8. Just let this series die in peace
  9. Alt righters use facts and logic? Gotcha. What would you like them to use if the alt right lord of the world Joe rogan isn't good enough for you? Should they quote CNN?
  10. It's so alt right to not like a condescending ad directed towards all men simply because their biology is not as "woke" as lefties want it to be. Human nature is evil
  11. Lmao here is comes with the alt right bullshit again! Joe speaks for the average man. The middle. He's not racist, he's not homophobic, he likes to learn new ideas and is open to everything as long as it makes logical sense. You on the other hand are close minded as fuck and won't even bend on a single issue no matter how much evidence is thrown at you.
  12. I think I'm gonna get my vocal chords scraped. It's only a natural mutation.
  13. There are 2 biological genders in all species of mammals.
  14. Wow all over the place. Here's another https://screenrant.com/travis-strikes-again-no-more-heroes-review/ 4.5/5
  15. It begins with being against governments telling me how to talk, act, and live? It makes me anti authoritarian if anything. My behavior is not illogical in anyway.
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