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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. And half smart? I find him to be very open minded and willing to actually listen to all perspectives. He's very curious about the world and wants to learn as much he can. We should all be like this.
  2. it would involve them listening to another point of view and they can't do that
  3. We grew up with the internet but social media didn't really become mainstream until around 2007 with Facebook. Most of us were adults by then.
  4. Yeah.. It's not this bad though. Just watch. Boomers didn't have their formative years drenched in like buttons and duckface.
  5. Holy fuck some of these statistics are nuts. Girls under 14 self harming up 189% since 2009
  6. Disney and Fox have a lot of content on netflix. Its gonna suck to lose that and have to pay another fee to get it back.
  7. Nope I don't understand. Those are just storefronts, you don't have to pay anything until you want to buy a game just like if you were to go to Walmart, gamestop or bestbuy. These are monthly billed services.
  8. It's becoming so fragmented. Once Disney and Warner have their own are we expected to have 5 different streaming services? YouTube is making a big push too. I have Netflix and Prime now, I want HBO I'm going to want the Disney shit, it's getting ridiculous. Can't they all just play nice with each other and have all the shows on 2, maybe 3 services? Netflix Amazon Hulu Youtube Disney HBO now Cbs all access Showtime Starz Fox Warner Yuck, hopefully a bunch of them fail and reconsolidate
  9. Tubby in the tub getting a rub on his flub
  10. Nintendo owns the franchise and publishing rights
  11. it would mean less if they let the trademark lapse.
  12. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/08/nintendo_applies_for_endless_ocean_trademark_in_japan_could_this_wii_title_resurface_from_the_deep
  13. He wrote a book called "the war on normal people" which can be very problematic. The left will attack him for not being left enough. They will yell and scream on twitter and make so much noise he will have to pull out of the race.
  14. Yeah but is he a transwoman?
  15. lol you know nothing. Why are you making it into a bigger deal than it really is? Its not that complicated, not at all. The engines are scalable, the resolutions are dynamic etc. Its not 2005 anymore.
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