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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. And have you ever thought many mainstream news doesn't want to cover the truth now because they dug in so hard on Fauci and Collins coverup job simply because it was the opposite of what Trump said? See how TDS rots your brain Jehurey?
  2. Lmao patient Zero was working at the fucking lab and was funded by Fauci and Collins.. Bu bu YouTube video 😭 It's funny how you stopped trusting ACTUAL investigative journalists and reporters simply because they aren't on a pharmaceutical funded main stream cable news channel. Like how can you not see their conflict of interests when 80% of ads on MSM news is from pharma ads? https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-funded-scientist-among-three-chinese-researchers-who-fell-ill-amid-early-covid-19-outbreak-3f919567
  3. So many words and nothing of substance. Do you think it came out of a wet market? Yes or no?
  4. Faceless people on a forum don't like me because i want the sensless war to end and for people to stop dying needlessly. Ok. Take a look at yourself for once
  5. Wow interesting take. So you agree it no longer came out of a wet market (super racist idea by the way)
  6. Details laid out here. Also the Biden admin is breaking the law by not releasing the information. Thinking covid came from a wet market is a dangerous conspiracy theory @jehurey
  7. Robert DeNiro is a fucking MAGA conspiracy theorist.
  8. No Metroid Prime 4. 6 years in development now.
  9. Actually i listen to the source. You guys just read hit pieces on vanity fair.
  10. I knew he was an environmentalist and did a lot to clean up major waterways and he and he sued Monsanto. But that is irrelevant to what I just said.
  11. He's vaccinated, his kids are vaccinated, he's never said not to get vaccinated. He wants it to be YOUR choice, not the government. And he wants stricter safety protocols and no emergency use authorizations without proper testing. oH thE hoRRoR! See what happens when you only read second hand opinions about people rather than listening to the source? You get a distorted view. And now it looks like RFK Jr derangement syndrome has become a thing. Fuck your brains are so easily fried it's hilarious guess who also argued against EUAs for vaccines. Dr Peter Hotez.. but as so
  12. So this is it? Case closed and there's nothing else? 🤣
  13. Elon didn't produce or create the files. He gave Bari Weiss and a bunch of other journalists she chose to search though hundreds of thousands of documents, slack and email communications. Elon put a stop to it because he was getting jealous of Substack creating a twitter clone and Taibbi was promoting Substack through his reporting. Of course you wouldn't know any of the finer details because you're a moron. I don't care what a fucking lawyer said Goukosan. Can you not fucking read things for yourself and use your own fucking brain to see what was going on? Or must you
  14. Did you not see the reporting by Lee Fang? Oh but a lawyer said there's nothing there. Yeah lawyers, the arbiters of truth and honesty. Fuck you're such a hack
  15. You know who actually went through the files? The journalists working on and reporting on them. It wasn't Elon you turd. Also should Stacey step down?
  16. um no. She was trying to discredit 2 award winning "so called journalists" was the phrase she used to deny the government had been weaponizing the FBI and other law enforcement agencies against people online who weren't falling in line over COVID discussion. By the way, an IRS agent showed up to Taibbi's house the exact same day he was to testify at this hearing. What an odd coincidence.
  17. That's fine. So Kamala shouldn't be VP for smoking pot and admitting right?
  18. Bahaha Lmao "so called journalists". The "so called congresswoman" is just another corrupt piece of shit.
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