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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Bad Blood on Netflix is a good series. Mafia and Hell's angels in Montreal. If you miss the sopranos then this fills the void perfectly
  2. So this black professor is a repurposed all lives matter supporter? mmk
  3. ive never liked sony analogs until dualshock 4.
  4. No he's skinny like skeletor but says he's over 200 solid muscle
  5. Fine I'll go first yes I'm naked
  6. Or does it just not fit the narrative so it's not reported on?
  7. I have to wait until christmas to play my sister said she's getting it for me
  8. I want proof. Post yourself on a scale fatsos
  9. The reason he is bringing it up is because no one seems to care when white people are killed by cops. But when black people are killed it's "systemic racism" .
  10. If you have tiny hands then yes it's the best
  11. Nvidia shield TV is 10 bucks more and does a fuckload better job of that plus all its 4k streaming capabilities and comes with a real controller.
  12. Lmao tchbr. It's 30 bucks more for what reason?
  13. Trump looked really fucking bad in this. Wah Wah Wah if I don't get my way I'm going to have a temper tantrum and shut down government . He's a big orange baby
  14. Cooke

    Bully 2

    No thanks. Take it back to the 50s. Fuck kids these days and their safe spaces and pink shirts. There's zero fun in that.
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