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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 3 hours ago, kokujin said:

    ^ proving Black People are superior. Which we've all always known. A reason the scared neanderthal has worked so damn hard to pillage that truth away. it's been their desperate escapade for over a thousand years.

    Even infiltrating the minds of it's small white pudgy hands people with 4-5 inch penises to believe in a thing called 'Racism.'  The white failure knew from day 1 the Negro was superior physically in every way, but he also knew mentally the same species.  So he herded him and baned him from reading, growing, maturing, he pillaged AFrica of it's recourses and put everyone in apartheid.  Oh, gall.  The nice white non-doers swan away to Canada. But you can see blood on the back of their heels. 

    Oh my

    • Haha 2
  2. 54 minutes ago, dakur said:

    The video has a point though, there's really no biological definition of what constitutes a race in us humans, it is largely a political construct. If you ever been to Japan you'll notice they are really even whiter than europeans but somehow we label them yellow and europeans as white which doesn't correspond to the actual skin color. Nevertheless there are other more accurate terms like ancestries or families (like for dogs for example) which do exist and have a biological support. Either way, separating living organisms in classes have always been tricky and an ever changing science. Even now, with the advancements in DNA, the definition of what constitutes a species has had to be deeply revisited because physical differences and similarities are pretty misleading.

    We aren't talking about different species. Race has always been the wrong word. You don't call a golden retriever and a border collie different races, they are different breeds. Humans are the same, we can intermix, we can breed with same breeds. 


    Caucasians and Asians have Neanderthal DNA, sometimes up to 4%, this plays a huge role. For one Down Syndrome does not exist in black people, only those with Neanderthal DNA can be born with this syndrome. There are  absolutely genetic differences between us..  Average bone structures, skin color, hair color, eye color, etc. To say there are no biological difference is denying science completely.



  3. 9 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    So he runs away, not once.........


    But twice.


    Thank you.:trump:

    i can see why you would need more than 3 guns, depends on the type of game you hunt and if you are also a target shooter.   


    Duck hunting would require a shotgun

    Deer hunting requires a high caliber, larger game like Elk and Moose would require even larger

    And if you are a predator hunter for coyotes or wolves then thats a lower caliber. 


    I have 3 22's, one for target, one for hunting and one is just an old gun i inherited

    I have a 22-250 for blacktail deer and mountain goat

    I have a 308 for Larger deer (mule deer and white tail)

    I have a 300 winmag for Elk and Moose

    I have a  12 guage shotgun for ducks

    I have a 22 HMR for grouse and ptarmigan 

    And I have a 30-30 cowbow gun for the hell of it cause I like Walt Longmire. 

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