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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    No. In America............and I do need to emphasize this.....in America people say the word "Illegal" to mean illegal immigrant.


    And they almost exclusively use it to mean hispanics.


    This isn't up for debate. If you were American, you would know this perfectly well.


    I bet you already do know this, but are pretending to play naive here.

    Ok? Did a Hispanic break into his car (breaking the law) and stealing his shit? (Breaking the law) and if this person was an illegal can you not even call them an illegal immigrant? Are we really going to be this sensitive over someone we don't even know? If ghostz were insulting another sw member using racial slurs then he'd be banned. Just chill out dude. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Except you do know that he means hispanic immigrant, and he brought it up because he was responding to me.


    And you know that he has done this before.


    So.........its a matter if you want to acknowledge what is obvious.......or hide behind technicalities and semantics.


    Hey if you want to hide behind it on a technicality......just say so.

    He hasn't used a derogatory term to describe this person that broke into his vehicle and stole his possessions.  If he said something like a wetback spic ( for demonstration purposes only) stole my shit then yes I'd ban him. 


    @ghostz would you like to clarify your statement?

  3. 4 minutes ago, Boss said:

    Lol rmah. Console version owns for the couch coop and stick controls.  Navigating the menu is kinda shite compared to pc. So management gets a bit annoying. Some of the spells are less precise and will work differently as you cant pinpoint locations.  But overall, the movement and flow of the game is better and I personally had way more fun with it. 


    Oh and I think only console has a roll


    Yeah I'm just trying to think how it's gonna play. I've heard it's better

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