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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. Just now, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Nah, he said it straight up.  Tried to soften the blow with the old "this profile would include me".  I'll try and find it for you, it's been a few years.

    He said In 2012 the TSA should not waste their time with secondary screening on people they know have zero chance of being a Muslim jihadist.  Is that really off the deep end for you? 


    Should the TSA spend as much time on a ginger girl from Iceland as a 28 year old male from Saudi Arabia?  Flying is not a right. If people from a certain region are more prone to hijacking planes why can't they spend more time profiling those people? If people that looked like me and didn't believe in God started doing the same thing I would understand it completely.  

  2. Just now, Vini said:

    It doesn't if you look at this image 20181025-154719.png


    The resolution is clearly bumped up but they're using some sort of blurring to hide the shitty textures

    it makes it look worse, especially on those logs

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