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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 1 minute ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Do you paint your face black for this costume?  Do you know the history of blackface?  Then no excuses.


    Also, brb, there's sort of a huge right-wing wave of assassination attempts going on at the moment, so I don't really want to debate the merits of "but why can't i blackface tho?!!?!?" with you.

    Ok have fun with the assassination attempts


  2. 1 hour ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Considering you know the history of blackface, yes, it's racist.  Because you know better.  That's racism from ignorance.


    "But why can't i say the n-word, too?!" - The Post.

    The history of blackface? I'm talking about Halloween costumes. If my intent is to not be racist but just for one night pretend to be a famous black person you're going to say that's racist? 

  3. 3 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    The feminists are out to get you.  They're at your door.  They're in your internets.


    They're gonna call you sexist and racist and there's nothing you can do about it.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid. :rawf: 

    It's called a costume. Do you believe intent shouldn't matter? 

  4. 2 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    The Slow Johnny response. :D 

    just an example of a leftist buzzword. 


    And what the fuck am I seeing on the news now? People are mad at Megan Kelly because she said its ok to dress up as people for halloween? So we're not allowed to wear Obama masks at halloween now because he's half black? Totally Ok if a black person dresses up as Hilary though right? What if I wanna be James Brown for halloween (i fucking love james brown).. I can't though right because its PROBLEMATIC?  Why in 2018 is EVERYTHING racist, lets completely forget about intentions. Who gives a shit about intent anymore. Fuck this world sucks so much ass. 

  5. 27 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    This argument is fucking annoying.  As if the sheer volume of bullshit that comes out of the GOP's mouth doesn't dwarf the tiny amount coming out of the Dems mouths.


    It's like seeing the pile of dinosaur shit from Jurassic Park, pointing at a dog turd 10 feet away, and saying "both sides".

    your statement is very problematic. 




  6. 56 minutes ago, dakur said:

    I've heard some presentations by her. She makes good points but there was one presentation where she blew it. I can't really remember which was the point but she delivered one of those pre-baked answers from the right that are easily debunked with evidence which tells me that I have to approach her arguments with care because she's prone to ignore evidence. Granted, many on the left are the same but you usually should expect more from an academic. Anyways, I will watch the video later.

    Both sides use the dumb talking points and buzzwords. It's very annoying 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, Voidler said:

    Rubin is a hack. His Koch funded backflip just demonstrate he is a guy with very little in the way of his own opinion


    There are much more compelling and interesting right wing figures to listen to if you swing that way

    you honestly think Rubin is right wing? my goodness. What are his right wing views? I'd love to read your point of view here. 

  8. 5 hours ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Cook...Cook...let me show you something that probably won't cause you to pause and think about anything at all:




    Rubin Report is Koch-funded.  Just like a shitload of conservative media.  It's a Trojan Horse meant to make conservative ideology more palatable to younger people.  You won't win out by supporting this.


    If you want an idea of the end-game of this, just look at Russia.  Try being gay over there.  I'm sure that'll work out well for you.

    have you done any research on any of those other names? 


    You know how I feel about Russia lol. They aren't the west, they need movements which we have already had. We need to focus less on ourselves and more on the rest of the world. 


    Also Koch brothers has nothing to do with Canadian professors speaking up on subjects like these. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    I see you're employing the Kavanaugh defense of "NO UUUUU".


    Cook, if right-wing nationalist sever get their way with the feminists, just understand that there has never been a point in history where they just stop and say "this is fine".  They'll come after gay people next.  Maybe not directly after, that might be black people, or trans people, or whatever.  But eventually, you'll be on their chopping block.


    Being one of the "good ones" never works out.

    You have a very demented view of the progress we've made as a society. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Do you honestly think that is going to help you avoid the analogy given in that post?  That you just attempted to use a token woman to affirm your views?


    I like how, in your mind, your best strategy is to try and "out-SJW" me. It really ruins your credibility (and maturity) on these subjects.

    Do you honestly think feminism and telling men to shut up because of their genitalia is appropriate?  Seriously can't we move the fuck on as a society and focus on other societies who actually treat women, gays and minorities like human garbage?  Wake the fuck up Jerry.  

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