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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Ok fine but why write this article if everyone already knows this? Other than the author of the article trying to score some virtue points. Lmao "problematic" fuck I hate how overused that word has become
  2. That's my role. I just hate race politics, when can we ever get over it? Are we seriously still going to be discussing race in 2118?
  3. You shouldn't make friends based on the colour of their skin
  4. Would be funny if they cast Christian bale as the joker. We all know he would play it perfectly
  5. Yeah except for the towns and cities getting bigger. Show me where new towns are being made anywhere. It doesn't really happen anymore, there's no need for it. Exploration and imperial colonies are done with. We were all British subjects you tit. The border was drawn after the towns were there.
  6. You do realize most of the towns and cities were founded before the borders were final right?
  7. Lmao if Xbox was Microsoft's main business they would be in the top 100000
  8. That's only if you are in another app. From the homescreen it's just 1 key.
  9. You misunderstand his lectures completely
  10. And it's these people Jordan Petersen is trying to help yet gets called a right wing nut fascist by the left. Lol
  11. I feel like banning dinobrains
  12. I can use my phone one handed too. And I also have the shortcut button on the side of my phone too.
  13. I was hoping Rogan would get him on eventually since he such an awesome interviewer but ill take this.
  14. thats not good enough. I can have 52 apps and or shortcuts to functions like flashlight, opening settings, showing battery consumption etc programmed, Its incredibly fast. Would you trade your PC keyboard in for a touch screen? lol Physical will always be better and more tactile than a touch screen. Unfortunately apple came along and told everyone what they think they needed. A combination of a touchscreen and a keyboard (which also serves as a trackpad) is better.
  15. Sit there and program it? It's easy as fuck lol. Also there is something called a speed key next to the space bar where if I push that and push any of my shortcuts I can open another app while in another app. No going back to homescreen. It's better for multitasking.
  16. How many different specs do PCs have? Or phones for that matter? This shit ain't that complex you doofus
  17. Nope. Just push the f key and it opens Facebook. Or the C key for chrome or the I key for instagram etc. You can program 52 shortcuts with the keyboard.
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